103. Creepy Customers

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Now tell me, how did all my dreams turn to nightmares?
How did I lose it when I was right there?
Now I'm so far that it feels like it's all gone to pieces
Tell me why the world never fights fair
I'm trying to find
-Machine Gun Kelly,X Ambassadors& Bebe Rexa

Nicki stayed with Shoupe and JJ a couple more days, but had to eventually return to her life on the mainland. She promised to visit more, citing her favorite nephew (wink) as more of a reason to stay than her annoying little brother.

JJ was actually sad to see her go. Could tell that it bothered Shoupe too. Sensed that he missed his sibling more than he let on to her. Figuring that Nicki had a competitive side, be baited her into agreeing to come out in the spring so they could see who could handle Rixon's better. Worked like a charm.

"You're on, you punk," she quipped to him.

JJ kept himself busy the rest of the weekend. Hardly a night where he was coming back at an hour that Shoupe was awake. And Shoupe noticed.

On Monday morning, Shoupe was sitting at the kitchen table, sipping from his coffee mug. He was contemplating the last few days and JJ's subsequent flighty behavior. The kid hadn't been this avoidant of him since the first week he came to live with him.

In his pondering he circled back to the conversation he had with JJ when he returned from seeing the Carrera girl back to her own home. It was brief, JJ didn't really want to talk about Luke, but assured him he was okay. Shoupe doubted that, but let it go. He figured JJ would come around and talk about it after he'd had some time to process.

God knows Shoupe needed to do the same.

He'd been tossing and turning every night over whether he should make a call and report the man for breaking the protection order. Only thing that was stopping him was the fact that he didn't know if JJ would be open to that. He'd won his fight, and anything more seemed like more than JJ could handle at the moment.

And, nothing had happened to him, thank God. Truth be told, Shoupe was glad Luke chose to show up on his doorstep instead of outside the school or the break where he likely wouldn't be around to defend JJ. This was a safe home, and Luke seemed to get that message.

That was probably the last that they would hear from Luke, if Shoupe was being honest. It's just a matter of time before he commits some other crime to get his probation revoked, and then he would be out of their lives for good.

"Morning," JJ says as he's digging through the pantry for a pop tart.

"Morning," Shoupe echos, setting his coffee mug on the table and uncrossing his legs. He gets up and opens the cupboard they keep the cough and cold medicine, pulling out a prescription bottle with JJ's name on it. "Take it with food," Shoupe directs, handing JJ the small pill.

JJ raises an already bit into pop tart as evidence that he's heard him and then stares at the med in his palm. He was still nervous about this on some level.

"If you don't like it, you don't need to keep taking it," Shoupe reminds.

They both agreed that there was no harm in trying, but JJ was still worried about the side effects. He's heard meds like these can make you drowsy and lethargic. He didn't need a tranquilizer. At least he did think he did.

"Yeah, I know," he blows off. He takes the pill dry, chomping down on the strawberry pop tart quickly after, not wanting to think about it longer than necessary. If he saw a difference he saw a difference.

"What time you get in last night?" Shoupe asks. "I didn't hear you come in."

JJ grabs the milk from the fridge, taking a drink straight from the carton before being subsequently scolded for doing so with a light scowl from the deputy who motioned for him to get a glass.

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