27. This Isn't Real

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Take me to your best friends house
Loved you then and I love you now, oh yeah
Don't take me tongue tied
Don't wave no goodbye
Don't break

When they get into Sarah's house, JJ looks around. Holy shit. He heard Tanny Hill was massive, he'd never been in it though. It was almost overwhelming. He's fairly certain his dad's shack could fit in the living room and he'd never thought he step into something so grand.

He whistles to see if any of the Pogues are present. He wouldn't blame them for hiding until Shoupe leaves. He's still a cop at the end of the day. He doesn't get a return whistle back and figures they haven't made it back yet.

Kie starts to feel heavier against his side. "Whoa, Kie," he says pulling her up. "You know where you can stay the night?" he asks against her temple.

She hums against him, her head falling onto his shoulder. Right where it belongs, he thinks. She mumbles something about upstairs and they make their way towards the winding staircase. Good God this place is extra.

They try several doors before they land on the right one. JJ thought she'd be staying in Sarah's room but she'd shook her head when they came across it. Didn't girls like to sleep in the same bed when they had sleepovers?

Kie lead him to a room across from Sarah's though. Sure enough, there are her things. He eyes the items that are in the bag, looking for clothes she can change into while Kie lays on the bed.

There are more than enough clothes for one night but he can't find anything suitable to sleep in. Instead he finds her phone charger, toiletries, journal, couple pairs of shoes. He scrunches his face at how much she's managed to shove in the bag. She couldn't possibly need this much.

Kie suddenly bolts across the room, towards what he is assuming is the en suit bathroom. She doesn't turn on the light as she enters, needing the toilet more than to see.

JJ is fast to follow her in, flipping the light switch and quickly pulling her hair from her face as her body ejects half the night. She heaves repeatedly. When it relents, she continues to pant into the bowl after flushing.

"You're okay," he whispers softly, wanting to comfort her.

Kie breathes heavily. She can't remember how she got here. Things are coming in pieces and it's starting to feel like she's missing parts of the night, only getting flashes of her memory. She remembers drinking and being at the boneyard. Where was Pope all night?

Before she can figure that out, she feels her body lurch forward, her throat gagging as she continues to expel the beer she consumed a few hours ago. She hates the feeling of being powerless to her own body.

Fuck, she's never drinking again.

It takes her a second to notice that her hair isn't in her face. She didn't have it up tonight, that she remembers. Did she cut it off? She brings her hands to her head and feels for it. Her hands run into a separate pair, and she turns around quickly. Who the fuck is holding her hair back?

JJ catches her panic and lets go, putting his hands up in surrender. "It's just me, Kie," he says, crouching at her side. Her eyes follow his face as he reaches her level. He brings a hand to her face, stroking her cheek gently with his thumb.

"JJ?" she says weakly unsure if it's really him. She couldn't exactly see straight.

"Yeah, it's me," he says. "I'm here."

She's confused. He left. She knew that. He said he was leaving. She saw his room. This must be a dream she decides. She hears a knock and they both swing their heads towards the door.

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