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A/N- I'm officially back for good! Sorry for not being active, I had no inspo to write and I didn't have my laptop for nearly a year and I'm sure ya'll can guess how hard it is to write on my phone. I'm back though!
Leave suggestions/requests please!!

tw- drinking/drugs


Your POV

"Babe, slow down. A few more of those and I'm gonna be carrying you out of here." 
Corpse chuckled, watching me force my head back to swallow my fifth shot of vodka.
"I'm fine-" 
I say, though my voice was clearly already slurring a little.

"Yeah, you are now! But will that be the same in twenty minutes? Probably not." 
Corpse says through a laugh.

 He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck softly. He wasn't big on PDA, but clearly the small amount of alcohol in his system was causing this new affection.

"Mm... had a bit to drink, haven't you?" 
I chuckled, teasing him jokingly as I turned around to return the embrace. My hands snaked around his neck, and my eyes fell onto his.

"Maybe a bit..." 
Corpse laughs in response.

"Well, maybe we should play a game? Let's go shot for shot and test ourselves to see how long we can keep our hands off of each other..." 
I whispered into his ear, but still loud enough so he could hear me over the loud music of the bar.

His breath seemed to catch in his throat.

His face was turning red.

"That seems like a fun idea..." 
He finally says, spitting out his words and laughing at himself for a moment. I cracked a small smile, and ordered three rounds of shots for the two of us. 

Eventually, a bartender arrived at our table with a dish containing six separate shot glasses. Three shots each were lined up in front of us both, and we gave a polite thank you as the bartender left us to our little game we had planned.

I ask, lifting the shot glass in a 'cheers' movement. 

We threw our heads back, the strong, foul tasting liquid going straight down smoothly. I made a face to indicate the foul taste, but thankfully I was fine other than that. I followed that same process two more times, finishing the three shots in front of me in less than a minute.

Corpse looked at me in what seemed like disbelief.

"Jeez, babe, you can put that shit away-" 
He teased with a chuckle. He was only one shot in.

"I don't play when it comes to my liquor." 
I laugh. 

Corpse finished his shots as well, and my intoxication was definitely settling in now. I felt flushed, a bit giggly and weirdly intrigued by the smallest things around me, yet also completely oblivious to my surroundings. 

About fifteen minutes went by, and now the alcohol had given me all of the confidence I'd needed.
I stood up, taking a sip of my fruity cocktail that I was drinking alongside my shots, before heading out to the middle of the dance floor.

Corpse's POV

"Oh jeez..." 
I mumbled to myself as I saw Y/N get up and head to the dance floor. I knew how she got after a few drinks, and right now she was definitely past the "few" mark. 

"Easy, baby-" 

I say, my hands pulling her waist closer to mine with a firm yet gentle touch as I joined her on the dance floor.
I followed her lead, my body mimicking hers and the way she was dancing. I looked down at her face, just trying to admire her in this moment. I saw a look in her eyes... a look of... desire? Lust? Love? I wasn't sure.

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