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A/N- I'm finally back! Sorry to come back with a sad chapter but I need inspo/suggestions on what to write because I literally have 0 idea of what to write. Also I might make a new one shot book soon so I won't be updating this as frequently as I used to, sorry ya'll :(

Your POV:

I was sitting in the hospital for over 24 hours. I had been waiting for just some sort of answer of what the hell was going on. I knew that when I got the call from my family to get here as soon as possible... something was wrong. I was right, of course. 

I haven't eaten... I haven't slept, or showered. I can't, it's all just too much to process. It's weird, because even though I'm surrounded by people I love, I can't settle down. I'm anxious, I'm sleepy but I can't close my eyes... I can't keep my mind off of the reason I'm here. 

'Hey, beautiful. Everything okay?'
Corpse texted me. He always checked up on me and I loved that about him. 

'I dunno, still no update. Did you eat?'
'Yeah, I got some McDonald's. I miss you, how much longer will you be gone?'

I sigh as I read the messages. I wish I could give him a good answer, but I can't. 

'I dunno, C. I'll update you in a few.' 

-Timeskip, 3 hours later-

Corpse's POV:

I was sitting in bed watching TV and working on some stuff for my stream on my laptop, waiting for my partner. I felt worried all day... something felt wrong. I had a strange feeling in my stomach, but I couldn't put my finger on what the problem could be. I just hoped they'd be home soon, I missed them.

As soon as my mind began to race, I heard the front door fall shut.

As their faint footsteps got closer and closer, I was excited to give them a big hug... but when they opened the door, they looked... not themselves. They looked so unbelievably sad, and I wanted nothing more than to take it all away in one moment.

There were tears on their face, their eyes red and  face pale, which definitely caught me off guard.

"Oh baby... what happened?" 

I asked. My tone was soft as I could only assume the worst. 

"I... they're gone..." 

They sniffled, before breaking down into tears once again.

My heart sank for them. Those were words I did not want to hear, and I'm sure it was ten times worse for them.

"Do you want a hug or do you want to be alone?" 
I asked softly as I stood up, touching their elbows and pulling them a little closer to me without wrapping my arms entirely around them.

"Please hug me..." 
They sniffled.

"Of course, sweetness, come here..." 

I said quickly as the words left their mouth. I pulled them into a tight, warm hug.

We headed to the bed, and I pulled them onto my lap. Their face was hidden in my chest and they sobbed. 
Their sobs absolutely broke my heart... I didn't ever want to see them so sad. 
"Let it out, baby... I'm here whenever you want to talk" 
"I-I'm sorry... I wanna talk about it but I can't get it-" 
Their voice broke as they tried to speak, and my heart was breaking by the minute.

"I'm okay with waiting- I'll be here no matter how long you need." 
I say, rubbing their back as they cried. I ran my fingers through their hair, kissed their forehead, anything I could do to console them in the slightest.

Corpse Husband x Reader OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt