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concept: corpse confesses something
also, you're dating Dream , but just for the plot lol. also he's portrayed as kind of an asshole in this lmao. it's just for the plot, i love him <3
fluff? idk lol


You walk into your friend Corpse's apartment, setting down your bag. You two had been friends since before he dropped out in middle school. "Hey. I'm here." you called into the apartment, sitting on the couch and pulling your phone out. 
"Hey." The unmistakable deep voice of your friend Corpse greeted, his voice coming from the kitchen. 
"Was something wrong? Why'd you need me to come over so urgently?" you ask, looking up as he emerged from the kitchen. 
"I um... I need to tell you something." Corpse said, sounding a little hesitant. 
"Oh? Well... alright, then?" you chuckled, a bit confused. "Lay it on me."

"Alright... so... well... you know how you and Dream have been together for quite a while now?" Corpse said, making you furrow your eyebrows. Did he drag you here just to ask you questions about your relationship? You answered anyways.
"Yeah, why?"
"Look, I dunno how to start this, but I just know I wanted you alone." Corpse said. Usually this would sound like a red flag if it wasn't for the fact that you two had been friends for so long. Your thoughts get cut off as he continues. 
"And you know that we've been friends for- years now." Corpse laughed. 
You chuckled at that. 
"Yeah. It feels like its been forever now." you say, pulling your knees up to your chest.
Corpse took a deep breath, and you looked at him.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay, I just... I know what I wanna say... but words are just- hard." Corpse said, shaking his head. You couldn't blame him for that. 

"So... I know that Dream is my friend. You're both my friends, and you two have been together for a long time. We've always been friends, but... how do I say this?" he asked with a sigh. "You're with him just... because. Just because it's always been that way... but, I know how he treats you, and it makes me angry. It makes me so angry. And you wear this mask like everything is okay." he continued. You pursed your lips, not sure how to feel about where this was going to go. 

He started to continue, not letting you get a word in. 
"I saw what happened last weekend. I saw him talking to other girls, and you just... sat there trying to look happy while holding your drink. It's ridiculous. You've worn that mask for so long that you've forgotten you're beautiful. But you are so beautiful, and everywhere I go... I see your face." Corpse said, making you blush like crazy. You couldn't believe that someone like Corpse thought that you were beautiful. 

Your thoughts get cut off yet again as he continued. "I know that sounds corny, but what I'm trying to say is: I see the real you. Not the shy person who follows him around. I see how he ignores you and... I see the you that's so funny and so intelligent it blows my mind." he said, making you chuckle and blush a bit. You still couldn't quite tell where he was getting with this. 

"You shouldn't be treated that way. You and me.. we have something. We've always had something. But there's this wall that's built now because you two are together. I see you every weekend when he looks at other girls... and I look at you because you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He continued, your blush deepening even more, as if that was possible. 
"And when I do look at you? I always see you looking back at me, and I know what you're thinking, because I'm thinking the same  thing." he said softly, making deep eye contact with you.

"I know it sounds selfish but... if I could touch you... if I could take care of you and take you away from him I would."  
You look up at him, still watching him ramble. 
"I know it's stupid, but I want to make you happy for once! You deserve to be touched and loved by someone who makes you happy. You are the most beautiful girl on earth... and you don't love yourself enough to see it... but I see it every time I look at you." Corpse sighed. 
You softly bit your lower lip, thinking of what to say. Taking all of it in.

"But then I see you with him and... my whole world freezes over because he has no idea what he has. You're a princess." Corpse laughed a little at the last bit, before adding something on that made your heart skip a beat. 
"You should be my princess."

Your jaw dropped a little at that. You weren't sure if you were expecting that or not... but you liked it. You didn't think you would. But you did.

"Look... we can do this! There's no wall big enough, there's no silence short enough that's gonna stop this feeling between us. Even if you won't admit it. I've always wanted you. From the moment I saw you, I wanted you." Corpse continued, still looking at you with that look. 

"I know him. I know him better than anybody. And I know me. I know I would hold you when you needed to cry, or validate you when you need it. I would love you, and I would make love to you like it's the last thing..." he said. He seemed even more nervous now. He probably thought you were going to reject him. That this would fuck up an entire friendship that has lasted over a decade.

"I don't know if this was a mistake. But if it was... it was a mistake I was happy to make." he said. He didn't continue, so you figured he was finished.

You two sat in silence for a moment. A long, awkward moment. 

Corpse took a deep breath, before pursing his lips. "Look, I'm sorry-" he began, but you cut him off. You cut him off with a kiss. A deep kiss. Your arms were tight around his neck and you were straddling his waist. He hesitated for a split moment, before melting into your touch, his strong hands making their way to your waist. 

"Is that a yes?" Corpse laughed, out of breath once you both pulled away. 
You gave a laugh back, looking deep into his eyes. 

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