The River (part two)

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Family! au

6 year timeskip from the first story :)


(Corpse's POV)

"Ugh, please stop crying!" I heard my wife say, getting annoyed as the baby wouldn't stop crying. 

She ran a hand through her hair, taking a deep breath as she tried yet again to nurse the baby. 

"Thank God." She mumbled as the baby finally latched on. She'd been crying all morning. Nothing was seeming to work. Toys, bottles, rocking, naps. Nothing worked.

"You're okay." she said, her voice still managing to be soft as she spoke to her. "Everything's alright." 

I smiled at them. Even when she was frustrated, she was still an amazing mother.

"Once she's done eating I can take her, baby." I offered.
"Thank you." she sighed out, a look of tiredness in her eyes.

I watched the baby drift off to sleep, her eyes slowly falling shut.

"I'll take her." I smiled, gently taking her from Y/N's arms. 

I laid the baby in her crib, kissing her forehead and covering her up with a blanket. 

I soon returned to the living room, my wife hunched over, her arms crossed in her lap and her face on top of them. Was she crying? 

I heard her small sobs, my heart breaking.

I knew what was wrong. She was a first-time mom. She thought she was a horrible mom. She never said it, but I knew it.

"You're doing amazing baby." I said softly, picking her up and holding her close to my chest.

"No I'm not! I can't even get her to stop crying!" she cried.

"Hey... look at me." I say, lifting her chin so she was looking up at me.
"I mean it. You're an amazing mother. All moms have had moments like that. It isn't your fault, I promise." 

"No. Stop it. No but's. Just because you had a little bit of an issue, it doesn't mean anything about how you are as a mother. You're amazing baby."

She didn't bother arguing back. She just put her head on my chest, sniffling. 

"You made a baby, love. You developed an entire human, that's amazing! But that doesn't mean you can fix everything. Some things just resolve on their own. Or you might just be stressed out. You're amazing either way baby. And just because you couldn't get her to stop crying doesn't mean you're any less of a mother." 

She sniffled, nodding against me. "Thank you." 

"Don't thank me." I laugh softly.

I knew she was having a really rough time. She was having some self consiousness from her new body, post-partum depression, and just stressed overall. 

"You're beautiful." I remind her. 
"No, you are." she mumbled. 

I let out a laugh. I loved her so much.

"Can... hm..." she stopped herself.

"What, love?" 
"Nothin', nevermind." 
"No, use your words, love." 

She sighed, jokingly getting annoyed with me.

"Can I get a kiss?" she asked in the smallest voice possible. God, she was adorable.

I let out a laugh. 
"Of course, bumblebee. Come here." I said, lifting her chin again and pressing my lips to her soft ones. 

She blushed. I hadn't called her that since we first started dating... but now, that was the nickname I gave for our daughter. My bumblebee. 

"I love you." 
"I love you more." 
"I doubt that." I chuckled.
"No way." she teased, pushing my shoulder. 

She was lucky she was cute.


The baby eventually woke up, and she was in a much better mood. 

Y/N sat on the couch, playing patty cake with the baby's hands, the baby giggling everytime she would say "throw it in the pan!". 

Everything was perfect. She was adorable. I knew she was going to be an amazing mother. 


I crawled out of bed to get a cup of water, the bed empty on Y/N's side. I figured she was nursing the baby.

I stood in the hallway, hearing my wife's soft voice. I saw her rocking the baby in the rocking chair, the baby nursing on her breast. 

I listened in, hearing her speak.

"I thought he was the most handsome man in the world. He has curly black hair just like you, and his eyes are a beautiful dark brown. I hope you look just like him when you get older, because you'll be the most beautiful girl in the entire  world. Of course, I already think you are." 

I smiled to myself. That was absolutely adorable. 

"I'll never forget the first time he kissed me. We had just hung out with some friends from school at our secret place, and he took me home. He kissed me goodnight on my doorstep. I took his jacket home, and I cuddled it all night. He always smells good." she giggled quietly.

I laughed under my breath. 

I got my water and got back into bed, Y/N already back in bed by the time I returned.

"Baby?" she spoke up.

"Hm?" I hummed, rolling over and putting my head on her chest. 

She put her fingers in my curls, petting my head. 

"Don't you think it's weird?" 
"Like... just a few years ago, we were just dumb kids in high school with some young puppy love... and now we're married, and we just had a baby." She chuckled a bit.

I cracked a smile, my eyes closed. 

"Mhm. I'm happy I kept you." I laughed softly. "You're my best accomplishment other than our daughter." 

She smiled as well. "Remember the first time we really talked? We were at the River, and Dream threw a can of beer at me. You had to yell at him." she giggled.

"Yep, I remember." 

"And when we all went to prom together and Tommy got arrested because he brought his weed pen inside the school?" she giggled again, making me snicker. 

"How could I forget that? That was embarassing for all of us." 
"I know, right?" 

I took a breath, taking in her faint perfume scent still stuck to her skin. 

"I love you." 

She kissed the top of my head. 
"I love you too, C." 

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