Just a Cut

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short A/N- sorry for not updating this past week as much as i usually have guys. My grandpa passed away this past monday and my boyfriend had to have surgery so it's been a rough week. I'm trying to get back in my schedule now though so sorry for the short hiatus

[Your POV]

I heard a slight knock on the door, so I headed towards it. It was about 7pm, so I figured it was Amazon or maybe UPS, but when I opened it, my boyfriend was there.

"Hey. Hey baby, I was hoping you'd be home."
"What happened?!" I asked, looking up at him and seeing his eyebrow and lip bleeding, along with his eye being bruised.
"Nothing happened."
"Well then what's wrong with your face?"
"My face? Oh, just don't look at it... it's nothing, baby."
"But you're bleeding!"
"It's just a little cut on my lip, alright?"
"And your eyebrow."
"Oh, my eyebrow too?" he asked, wiping the blood off of it. 
"Damn... must've started bleeding again."
"Again? What do you mean 'again'? You're hurt, Corpse-"

He chuckled, gently grabbing my hands as I started to reach up to lightly touch his wounds. 
"Wait, wait, baby, relax. Don't freak out. It's fine. I'm fine, everything's good, just calm down okay?"
I sighed.

"Can I come in? Or are you gonna leave me bleeding on your doorstep?" He chuckled.
"Come on, come inside." 

He stepped inside, bending down to kiss me but then wincing once he pulled away.

"Does it hurt?"
"Yeah, my lip does hurt a little bit. Is it really swollen?" he asked.
"Not a lot but it's noticable..." I said, lightly grazing my thumb over the wound. 
"Yeah, I can feel it.." Corpse sighed.
"So what, did you get into a fight or something?" I asked.

He sighed again. 
"Well, I dunno if I would call it a fight..."

"Did you get beat up?"
"What? No, I didn't get beat up." he laughed. 
"Looks like you did."
"It's not that bad. Just a few scratches here and there. Plus the other guy looks a lot worse, I promise. Can we sit down?"
I nod, leading him to the couch.

"Thanks, babe. Well, do you remember your friend's ex? The one who was always acting weird when he came over?"
"How could I forget?" I chuckled.
"Yeah, he was such a weirdo. He was always way too quiet. I knew from the very first time that I met him.."
"Wait, it was him?!" 
"Yeah, it was him that did this! I knew from the very first time that I saw him that something was up with him. Anyways, I saw him outside the grocery store and he was drunk, obviously."
"Well why didn't you avoid him?"
"No, baby, trust me, I tried to. I know that dude is nothing but trouble but he saw me and he started cussing at me, and he started saying bad things about you and... I dunno. I guess he's still like pissed that we wouldn't let him inside when your friend was over here crying. Anyways, I tried to like... not deflate, I tried to like-"

"Yes. I tried to de-escalate the situation, right? But he just kept saying these nasty things and talking about you. And he said he was gonna do all of these horrible things, so I told the guy if he comes near you then I'm gonna make sure it's the last thing that he does, and he didn't take kindly to that."

I chuckled a bit, shaking my head. 
"That doesn't seem very much like de-escalating it."
"No, I know, but... you mean a lot to me. I would never let anything happen to you. Even the thought of it just got me so angry. Baby, I was so mad, I can't even explain how mad I was. Either way, he sucker-punched me."
"Yeah. What a fruit cup."
"Well, are you okay? Other than the obvious injuries?"
"I'm fine baby. I may or may not have tackled him and kinda went at him... but in my defense, it was self defense. He threatened us, so I feel like it was self defense."

Corpse Husband x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now