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You looked at the time, realizing how much time you had to kill before the beginning of your shift.
"Hm... gonna be a long day." you mumble, sighing again as you parked your car into a nearly-empty Starbucks parking lot and headed inside, the cold air rushing into the mid-sized shop. 

You look up at the menu, sighing as you couldn't decide whether to get a frappuchino or a cold brew coffee. 

"What to choose?" you mumbled again.
"I recommend the Iced Latte with a double shot and extra cream." you heard a deep voice say. 
"Oh? It sounds good!" you replied, not making any eye contact with the deep voice. 
"What do you usually get? Maybe I can try something new?" he chuckled. His voice was intimidating... but quite charming. 
"Well... usually the Cold Brew with irish cream, almond milk, and a turbo shot." you smiled, looking down at your feet.

"Next!" the cashier said loudly in a polite tone, prepping the kiosk for your order.

"You can go-" you said, raising your hand to point towards the cashier, only the man who you were talking to previously had done the same, causing your hands to brush together.

Your face instantly heated up. "Oh- uh- sorry! Y- you can go-" you chuckled awkwardly, taking a step back.
"No, no, you go! I have plenty of time to kill." 
"Well, I mean so do I?" you laughed a bit, looking up at the man for the first time. He was gorgeous. Sure he had some flaws but, who doesn't? 

Your breath seemed to hitch as you made deep eye contact with him, the cashier now completely sidetracked and forgetting about the two of you, chatting with other co-workers as you tried to stop the constant fluttering in your chest. 

"I-it's alright, really." the stranger said, his cheeks a shade deeper than they were before. You couldn't help but notice... and it was... adorable?
"Are you sure?" 
"Yeah! Go ahead." 

You nodded, taking a step towards the counter, before putting your order in. 
"Can I add a drink to that?" you heard the man ask from behind you, pulling out a ten dollar bill from his wallet. 
He quickly paid for the coffee's before you even got the chance to react. 
"W-What? No, please, you don't have to do that." you chuckle, pulling out the 4 dollars from your wallet to pay him back. 
"Well I know I don't have to..." he laughed. "It's just not everyday when you get the opportunity to buy a cute girl some coffee." he teased, brushing your hand for a second time as he put his wallet back in his pocket. 

"3 dollars and 48 cents is your change, sir-" 
"Keep the change, darling." 

Your heart fluttered at those words again... even though he wasn't even talking to you. Just the way he spoke was so... intoxicating. He was so effortlessly charming. 

"Well, thank you. It's not everyday I get an incredibly tall, handsome man paying for my drinks either so I guess I can relate." you giggle, returning the flirtatiousness. 

His face got red again, and you both let out a chuckle, the man rubbing the back of his neck. 
"What's your name, again? I'm not sure I got it?"
"I go by Corpse. Or C, whichever you prefer for now." 
You nod, not really understanding why, but it was definitely intriguing. 
"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you, Corpse." you giggle, picking up your drinks from the opposite counter of the one you two were at. 

"So... where do you work? I assume you're picking up your pre-shift coffee?" you laugh.
"Well, I'm actually not technically employed at the moment, but I do make a lot of money doing a little hobby of mine, which is social media. I can't do any manual work at the moment so I might start to do that full time." he explained.
"Oh that's really cool! I've always wanted to do YouTube and stuff but never really had the time, skill, patience, or money for it." you laugh again. 
"Yeah, it's really fun! A lot of friends and people you get to meet... but you've just got to put a lot of time into it, depending on your personal upload schedule. That's the one thing I like about it. No boss, no hours, no rules, no dress code, etcetra. Just whatever you wanna do? Do it, you know?" 

You nod, looking up at him and studying his features. "You seem very passionate about it. I hope that goes well for you." you smile softly. 

You realized that you two had made it to a table, both of you hunched over the side in order to get closer to each other. 

"It's pretty hard for me to leave the house anymore. That's why I decided to do a good deed and pay for your drink." 
"Oh? So, it wasn't because I'm cute?" 
"O-oh, well no, that's not what I meant! W-what I mean is I just saw you were cute and you were buying a drink and-" 

You cut him off, lightly pushing his chest.
"No, no, it's alright! I was joking." you chuckle, watching him take a sigh of relief. 

"But... I mean, you are really pretty. Honestly. You're beautiful..." he continued, that look back on his face. 
You practically melted. "N-no-" you laugh, blushing in extreme embarrassment. 
"You are! I'm being serious!" he chuckled. "Adorable" he whispered under his breath.
"Nothing, don't worry about it." 

You chuckle again, shaking your head. "Alright, if you say so."

"So.. why can't you do manual work? If you don't mind me asking, of course." 
"Well, I have a condition called fibromialgya. It's usually found in post-menopausal women, so it took me years to get diagnosed, since I was a 20-year old fit male." he laughed out a little. "But yeah, it makes it very hard to do everyday things. Like once I was eating cereal and all of a sudden I couldn't even lift my spoon." 
You frowned. "I'm so sorry... that has to be difficult." 
"It's alright, thanks though. Not your fault." 

You simply sigh, looking at the time. Jeez, you guys did kill a lot time...

"Um... y- you don't have to say yes, but would you want to go out sometime? Like, as a date? With- me?" 

You smiled again, shaking your head again. He was so cute. "Of course I would, C." you say as you look into his eyes again. 

"Really?! O-oh! Well, great! I'll pick you up... tonight? Tonight. At 5:30." 
"Alright.. sounds like plan!"
"Mkay... see you then?" 
"Yeah, see you!"

He began to walk out the coffee shop, before you quickly stopped him. 
"Shit! Numbers? Phone numbers, we completely forgot." you giggle.
"Oh, yeah, I guess we did! Guess I was too excited." he said, handing you his phone as he rubbed the back of his neck again. 

You put your phone number in his phone, before handing it back. 
"See you tonight." you smiled, pecking his cheek before going out to your car without looking back. 

"Yeah... see ya.."

Corpse Husband x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now