Look In the Mirror

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concept: Corpse helps you with your body image

TW: mentions of eating disorders, self degrading, and body dysmorphia.


You heard the front door shut, along with the sound of keys jangling. 
"Baby?" You yelled out. 
"I'm home." Corpse replied, kicking his shoes off. 

Corpse joined you at the kitchen table, setting down a To-GO bag. The bag made you a bit anxious, because you weren't sure what he had gotten.
He opened the bag, pulling out some Panda Express. "Got you some food, baby." he smiled, kissing your forehead as he sat the food in front of you. 
"Oh... thank you baby, you can just put it in the fridge. I'm not hungry right now." you smile, gently pushing the bowl away. 
"Y-you're not hungry?" he asked, confused. "Baby... did you even eat today?"

You pursed your lips, twisting them to the side as you tried to quickly come up with an excuse. You sighed, realizing that your answer wasn't quick enough. "No..." you mumble, looking up at Corpse.

Corpse took a deep breath, setting his food down. 
"Baby... we've talked about this... you need to eat something. Even if it isn't big." he said, taking your face in his hands. "Now, why haven't you eaten today?" he asked, looking genuinely concerned. 
You shrugged, looking down at the table. "I don't... feel like I deserve it I guess." you admit. 
"What? Baby, why would you say that? You do deserve it! Everybody deserves the basic human right to eat." Corpse frowned, pushing your hair out of your face. 

You sigh, knowing that you couldn't lie your way out of this one. 
"Because I'm fat. I feel fat, I feel gross, and eating makes me feel worse because that's the reason I look like this now." you admit.

Corpse sighed, crouching down next to you. "Baby... you're none of those things. You're fucking beautiful, okay? Look at me..." he said softly, looking into your eyes. 
"You're fucking gorgeous alright? You're stunning. I'm so  lucky to have you. Hell, I don't even know how I was able to score with you." he chuckled, cupping your face. "Come on, come with me."

You were led into the bathroom, and placed in front of the mirror. 
"Now, look into the mirror." Corpse said, gently resting his hands on your waist.
"I-I don't wanna..." you say quietly. 
Corpse sighed against your neck, before taking a deep breath. "Baby, please?" 

You purse your lips, before sighing. "Fine." you looked into the mirror. 
"What do you see?"
"Well, yeah... but look closer. What do you see?"
"Someone ugly and someone who's the opposite." you chuckle. 
Corpse sighed again. "Alright... here, look at this." he said, taking your hair in his hand and moving it onto your shoulder. "See that?" he asked, pointing to a fading hickey.
"Yeah? What about it?" you ask.
"Wanna know why I put it there? Because I can see how fucking beautiful you are. Because I know that other guys are gonna be attracted to you... but I had to claim what's mine." he smirked a bit, kissing the purple mark. "But if you don't start seeing yourself the way I do... then life is just not gonna be enjoyable. You can enjoy some Panda Express without getting 'fatter'. You can have some snacks without looking 'gross'. You're still beautiful even when you don't think you are." Corpse said.

You smiled a bit, blushing at the compliment. "Wish I felt that way..." you mumbled.
"Look back into the mirror. Now, I want you to repeat after me, okay?" Corpse continued.
"Say, 'I am beautiful'. Do it, say it." he said.
You stared at yourself in the mirror for about 25 seconds. 
"I- I can't."
"Please? For me?" 
You stared again, longer this time.

"I can't, Corpse, I can't..." you said, breaking down into tears.
"Yes you can, baby, I promise you can. You don't have to believe it right now, just say it. It's okay, I'm right here with you." he said. 
You took a deep breath, running a hand through your hair. "I-I'm beautiful. There, happy now?" 
"Well, not exactly. Now, I want you to say 'I am loved'. Okay?" 
You sighed, quickly repeating the words.

"Good job, princess. Now... we're gonna do this everyday until you start loving yourself the way you should. It might take a few days, it might take a few years... but, I'm willing to do anything to make you feel your best self, alright?" 
You sigh, pulling him into a warm hug, your face buried in his chest. "Thank you." you whisper.
"Anytime, beautiful. I love you."
"I love you." you repeat, looking up at him. 

Corpse bent down, trying to kiss you, but you pulled out of the hug. "Gonna have to catch me first!" you giggled, running towards the living room. 

He chased after you, chasing you through the dining room and kitchen, before catching up to you. 
"Oh no you don't!" Corpse laughed, scooping you up by the waist and slamming you onto the couch. He straddled your waist, covering your face, neck, and torso in kisses. 
"Help! I can't breathe!" you laugh hysterically, trying to push him off of you. 
"No! You rejected my kiss so now you're getting showered with em'!" Corpse laughed, starting to tickle you along with kissing your face. 

You gasped for air, hitting him with the pillow that was on the couch. "I can't take it anymore, mercy! Okay, okay!" you laugh, trying to get free from his grasp. 
"Alright, alright! You're lucky you're cute." Corpse joked. 

You giggled, calming down. You looked up into Corpse's eyes, smiling, before pulling him down for a deep kiss. 
"Here... now wipe those tears... life's too short for so much sadness." he said, gently wiping away the leftover tears from a few moments ago.
"Thank you." you whispered once you guys pulled away. 
"Don't thank me for doing what I'm supposed to do." he said, laying down on top of you, his body in between your legs and his head on your chest as his arms were wrapped around you. 
"But really, you need to eat baby. Come on... I'll even make you dessert? Chocolate covered strawberries?"
Your eyes widened, the strawberries catching your attention. "Mkay, let's go!" you giggle, pulling him into the kitchen. 

"I figured that'd get your attention you little monster." 

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