Don't Mention It

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A/N: you and Corpse aren't dating in this chapter and romantic feelings aren't really mentioned in this till like the end... but I'm probably gonna make a part two to this chapter anyways. Also he has a daughter but just for the plot lmao.

Your headphones blasted some music as you took a short walk around your neighborhood. You hum along, taking small sips of your coffee. 
The sun felt nice against your skin, and the weather was just right... not too hot, and not too cold. The warm breeze ruffled your hair as you continued to stroll down the sidewalk.

You suddenly felt yourself being hit in the shoulder, your coffee going everywhere. 
"Fuck, I'm so sorry-" you heard a man say, his deep voice shocking you. "I didn't mean to bump into you like that-" he said. He was speedwalking, his hood up as he walked down the sidewalk quickly. 
"It's fine... are um... you- okay?" You asked hesitantly, feeling quite intimidated as he was much taller than you and his voice was very deep. 
"I-I'm alright, thanks-" the man said again, before starting to walk off quickly again. 
"Are you sure?" you asked, catching up to him. 
"I'm sure, ma'am, thank you." He said loudly, before something fell out of his jacket. It was a few cans of Chef Boyardee ravioli and a small bottle of juice. 

You put two and two together, realizing that he must have stolen the items. "Oh..." you say under your breath. 
"P-please don't tell anybody-" he said in a quiet tone. 
"I won't." you smiled softly, really not wanting to piss him off.
"Thank you... so much..." he sighed, putting the items into an old, half-torn bag. 
"Here, you can use this. I have an extra bag-" you said, dumping out some of the objects inside into your purse and handing the man the plastic Dollar General bag. 
"Thanks." he smiled, taking the bag from your hands. You had to admit... he was quite handsome. 

"Mind if I ask why you were in such a hurry?" you asked hestiantly.
"Well... obviously I just stole shit and didn't wanna get caught, but I also have to pick up my little girl from the daycare she goes to." the man admitted. 
"Oh... I'm sorry..." you say softly
"For what?"
"For asking... and that you're in this situation." 
"Oh... it's not your fault, don't be sorry. Thank you, though, it means a lot." 
"Yeah, of course! Here... you stay here, and I'm gonna run into that CVS in there. I'll be out in 5 minutes."
The man made a weird face, but he simply nodded, clearly a bit confused.


You returned with three bags full of food. You had some hot pockets, some more Chef Boyardee, ramen noodles, juice, pop tarts, a gallon of milk, some bread and butter, and some other necessities like toiletries and such. 

"It's not much but... I couldn't help but feel bad..." you say quietly, handing him the bags and milk. "I'm not a mother, but I couldn't begin to understand how it must be being a father in your situation. And I'm assuming a single father?" you add.
"Oh my God... y-you didn't have to, really you didn't have to..." he said, nearly tearing up. "But yeah, my girlfriend passed when she was giving birth to our baby."
"I'm so sorry... that must be pretty traumatizing. And no, don't mention it. It was the least I can do... just see it as my good deed for today." you smile. 
"No, I insist, what's your Cash app? Or Venmo? PayPal, Apple Pay, anything?" he asked. "I'll screenshot it and then send you the money once I get it..."
You chuckle a bit, shaking your head. "No, no, it's alright, really. Just take care of her for me, alright?" 
The man nodded, letting out a sigh. "Thank you." he said, setting the bags down and pulling you into a warm hug. "Thank you so much..." 
"Don't mention it." you smile, hugging him back. Not only was he handsome, but he smelled nice as well.

You two continued walking, starting to have a pretty good conversation. 
"One sec, we're here-" he said, going into a small, family owned, run-down looking daycare, before returning soon after. 

"I missed you daddy-" you heard a small voice say. You looked up, seeing a tiny girl in the man's arms. She looked just like him... black curly hair, light skin, and they had the same eye shape. You had learned that he went by Corpse. 

"I missed you too, babygirl." Corpse smiled, kissing her cheeks. "Guess what? Daddy met a really nice lady today, and she bought us lots of good stuff. Like poptarts." he smiled.
"Poptarts?!" the girl squealed happily. 
"Mhm! She's right there, too... so maybe you should give her a hug and say thank you?" he continued. 
The girl wrapped her arms around your neck, hugging you tightly. "Fank you..." you said cutely. 
You chuckled, lightly tickling the girl's sides. "Of course, honey." you smile, ruffling her hair. 

Corpse smiled, watching you two. "You sure you're not a mom? You've got such an... instinct, I guess you could say. You're a natural." he laughed. 
"Yep, definitely no kids here. Still a virgin if we're being honest." you chuckle, carrying the groceries for the two. 

You soon arrived at a small apartment, and you sat the groceries on the kitchen table
"Here... for the coffee I made you spill on yourself. Just as something to wear until your clothes are clean and you won't have to walk home all sticky." he offered, handing you one of his black shirts.
You gladly took it. "Thanks." you laugh, going into the bathroom to change your shirt, before returning to the living room.

 "It was really nice to meet you... thanks for walking me this far." you smile at Corpse.
"No, thank you. This was honestly the best thing that's happened to me in over a year... thank you, again..." Corpse said genuinely.
"Of course." 
"But um... before you go, could I uh- get your number or something? Maybe we could go to the festival they're having in the park, o-or go to the movies? Y-you don't have to, of course, I just thought it might be nice?" he asked, sounding nervous.
"Oh- yeah! Of course... that sounds pretty fun, honestly." you smiled, taking his phone gladly and adding your number.
"Oh, cool! Alright, well... we can plan it for... this weekend?" He suggested.
"Yeah, sounds like a plan! See ya then." you say, getting on your tippy toes and ruffling his hair, before walking out of the apartment and letting the door fall shut behind you. 


You soon got home and checked your phone, seeing that there was a message. 

'hope I didn't annoy you with my stupid rants haha :) see you this saturday at... 7pm?'

You smiled at the message, before quickly typing back.

'yeah, seems like a plan! and nah, you didn't annoy me. you're actually quite interesting... hope we can get closer after our little date :P'

Corpse Husband x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now