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concept: you're sick so Corpse takes care of you <3

!age regression in this story. DNI if this offends you, and do your research before leaving distasteful comments, respectfully :) -



You felt terrible. Nothing felt right. You were lightheaded, cold yet sweating, out of breath, and your muscles ached. You were surprised you even got through the school day without passing out or requesting to go home. You even drove yourself to and from school, too.

You just collapsed on the bed the moment you got home, not bothering to change your clothes or get under the blanket. Your nose was running onto the pillow and your lips were chapped from breathing out of your mouth all day, but you ignored it. You were too sick to think.


[Corpse's POV]

I walked into the house, kicking my shoes off. It was a long day... I had morning classes, and then I had to work on a video with my friend, before going to work for a few hours. I was happy to finally be home with my girlfriend... if I could find where she was.

I looked everywhere, finally finding her in our bed. She wasn't under the covers, and she was shivering. Something was wrong... I just couldn't tell what.

"Hey, baby bear. I'm home." I said softly, shaking her awake gently. 
"Go away." she mumbled.
My heart sank at that.
"Wh- why? Did I do something wrong?" I asked.
"No, I just feel like shit." she said, rolling over so she was facing me, though her eyes weren't open. 
"Let me feel." I said, placing the back of my hand on her forehead. "Oh, princess, you're burning up! Let me get you a cold compress..." I started, before she cut me off. 
"No! Nothing cold... I'm freezing..." she said, pulling some snot-stained blankets halfway over her torso.

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Sit up, baby. I know you're tired and cold, but this blanket is gross now. Let's get you a new one." I said, picking her up and removing the comforter from underneath her.

"Baby no-" she whined, gripping the pillow and cuddling it close to her.

I let out a laugh. "You're definitely a lot more sick than you're letting on... come on, let's go get something to eat." I said, picking her up while the blanket was draped over my shoulder. 

"Not hungry..." she whined.
"Too bad." 

She groaned against my shoulder. "Can't I just sleep?" 
"After you eat, love. Be a good girl." 

She got quiet at those words, which made me chuckle. 
"That's what I thought. Good girl." 

I sat her down in the kitchen, setting her at the table and opening the door to the fridge.
"Is soup okay? I can make it homemade if you want? It'll take a while though." I asked.
"Yeah. Just from the can is fine, I wanna go back to bed." she chuckled.
"Alright, let me put it in the microwave." I said, pouring some into a bowl and putting it in the microwave for three minutes.

I crouched down next to her, putting a hand on top of hers and brushing some hair out of her face. 
"You don't look so good, babygirl. What's wrong?" I asked, wiping her running nose with a tissue. 
"I'm cold and sleepy and my muscles ache." she complained.
"You have a runny nose, too... and a fever. Let me take your temperature." I frown, heading to the hall cabinet to grab a thermometer. 

"Open." I said, putting it under her tongue.

Eventually it beeped, her temperature being a bit high. 
"101.3. You've got a bit of a fever... if it gets worse before tomorrow, I'm taking you to the Emergency Room." I said. 
"No, baby. No but's. I can't afford my girl being sick." I said, kissing her forehead before pulling the soup from the microwave.

"Here, princess. It's hot, be careful. Do you want crackers and water?" I asked.

"Yes please." she said, hardly able to lift her spoon. My fatherly caretaking instincts kicked in. 
"Here, babygirl." I said, putting a napkin on her lap and handing her the crackers and water. "Let me see the spoon." 

I took the spoon from her hand, taking a spoonful of soup and lifting it to her mouth after blowing on it to cool it down. 
"There you go, darling."
"I don't need you to feed me." she chuckled.
"Maybe not, but I want to. You aren't well right now." I said, simply stating the obvious.


I raised my eyebrows, surprised she didn't have yet another interjection. 
"Good girl." 

She blushed, looking down at her lap.
"S-stop..." she mumbled.
"Why?" I chuckled.
"You know why..." 
"Not sure I do." I teased.
"I'm gonna slip..." she mumbled.

I chuckled, pushing her hair out of her face again as I fed her another bite. 

"God, you are just adorable. But alright, if you say so." I said.

"Thanks." she said, swallowing the bite. She was so cute.

"Can you finish that while I throw your blanket in the washer and get you a new one?" I asked.

She nodded, taking another bite of the chicken noodle soup.

"Alright, I'll be right back." I smile, kissing her forehead and going into the laundry room.

I threw the blanket in the washer, before grabbing a clean comforter and throwing on our bed.

"There, love. Now you can be all warm." I laughed, putting her empty bowl into the sink. "Ready?"
"Mhm.." she said softly. I grabbed her hand, leading her to the bedroom. 
"Put this on-" I said, throwing one of my shirts next to her as she sat down, along with a pair of my boxers. "Get comfy, I'm gonna feed the pets and then I'll be back, alright princess?" I asked.
"Mkay daddy..." she said shyly. 
My heart fluttered. She was so cute when she was little.
"Daddy will be right back, doll. Don't go anywhere." I chuckled, heading into the kitchen.


As I headed back into the room, I heard a small voice. 
"And I love you, and you too Mr. Bubbles." Y/N said, kissing all of her stuffies goodnight. 
"I love daddy mostest though-"

I chuckled, opening the door. 
"What're you doin' little one?" I asked.
"Kissing my stuffies night night!" she said happily, before breaking into a coughing fit.

"Oh- princess-" I said, rushing over and handing her a bottle of water, patting her on the back. 
"Let daddy get you some medicine."
"No! No medcin'. " she complained. 
"Be a good girl. You still want that stuffie, right?"
Her eyes lit up. "Stuffie?"
"Yeah, baby bear. New stuffie! If you still want it, be a good girl and take some medicine. For daddy?" 
She took a deep breath.

"Good." I said, tucking her into the bed before getting her some medicine. 

"Here, doll. It will make you feel better, promise." 
"Mkay..." she said, throwing the cap back like a shot, and forcing it down. 

"I know it's yucky, but you'll feel so much better." 

She just nodded, her eyes slowly falling shut once her head hit the pillow. 

I chuckled at that. "Goodnight, babygirl."
"Night daddy..." she mumbled, not opening her eyes. 
"Gimmie a kiss." 

She leaned up, still not opening her eyes. I chuckled, kissing her softly. 


About an hour passed, and I had already gone through about half a box of tissue while wiping her nose as she slept. 

"You know... even when your hair is plastered to your forehead, and even when you're a snotty mess... you're still so beautiful. I dunno how you do it." I laugh.

"I love you." I said, pulling her hair into a loose bun so she could sleep without it being in her face.
"Mm... love you..." she said, pretty much still asleep. Clearly she only heard that part, probably waking up from me pulling her hair back.

I chuckled, kissing her forehead. "Goodnight, beautiful."

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