Birthday Wishes

500 13 5

Corpse's POV

The entire kitchen was a wreck. There were pots and pans sprawled over the counters, as well as ingredients for multiple different breakfast foods. I wanted to make Y/N's birthday as perfect as possible, so I figured I'd start it off right by making them a three course breakfast. The first course was a small omelette, the second was a parfait, and the third was waffles. 

I cooked the bacon and eggs and whipped together fruits and yogurt for the parfait, pouring a glass of slushy orange juice into a champagne glass. 

As I finished, I took a step back to admire my work. Lucky I'd made myself an omelette as well, because my stomach growled as I looked at the dishes. I put them all onto a nice tray, as well as her glass of orange juice.

"Baby~ Hey... wake up..." 
I said softly, running my fingers through her hair after I entered the bedroom and sat the tray on the bedside table.

They slowly began to stir in their sleep, slowly fluttering open their eyes.
"Mm... hm?..."

I chuckled softly, kissing their forehead.
"Good morning, love. Happy birthday." 
I smiled down at them, admiring their features. 

"Oh... I guess it is my birthday." 
They chuckled. 
"Thank you." 
They smiled as I placed a soft kiss to their lips. 

"I made you breakfast." 
I smiled, handing them the tray. Their face instantly lip up, and my heart melted.

"Wh... no... you didn't have to do that, baby-" 
They began to say, but I cut them off.
"Nuh uh. I don't wanna hear any of that. It's your birthday." 
I say.
"So? I have one every year, it's not a huge deal, but thank you... I really do appreciate this, love..." 
"I know. And your birth is definitely something to be celebrated." 
I said. I noticed a blush on their cheeks, and I chuckled softly.
"Mkay. Now let me know how you like it." 

They took one bite out of each dish, and their eyes widened a little.
"Babe, this is great!" 
They said, quickly finishing the first entree.

"I'm glad you like it, love." 
I laugh, just happy to see them so excited about their breakfast.

As they ate, I went to the living room to retrieve their gift I had made for them. It was full of things I knew they'd like. 

Y/N took the last sip of their orange juice as I returned to the bedroom, a large neutral colored bag in my hands. I handed it to them, and they began to rummage through it. 

First, they pulled out a 12 pack of their favorite candy, as well as a 4-pack of their favorite soda. They smiled as they began to continue searching through. They pulled out a pair of fluffy pajama pants, and a big bag of their favorite chips. They pulled out more stuff as well, such as a bath bomb, a new bathing suit, a new stuffed animal, and other small little snacks for them. Last but not least was a framed photo of the two of us with words on the bottom.

'Always my love and forever my best friend.' 
The words read. 

Y/N's eyes were filling with tears. They looked so grateful and happy, and that was all I could ask for.
"I love it. Thank you." 
They leaned up and gave me a kiss.

"Don't thank me for loving you, honey. I'm just happy that you like it." 
I smiled. I handed them a brand new outfit  from the closet after our embrace broke apart. 

"Saw you eyeing this at the mall a few weeks ago and I thought you'd look absolutely beautiful in it for your birthday. If you don't wanna wear it that's okay, but I thought it might be something you'd wanna try on at least." 

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⏰ Última atualização: May 12 ⏰

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