Home from Duty

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military! au


[Your POV]

I heard a knock at the door as I glanced over the words in my book, being nose deep as in the page.

"Delivery." I heard at the door, the voice being muffled.
"FedEx, ma'am. Here with an international delivery." 
I raised an eyebrow. 
"Isn't it a bit late for a delivery?" I asked through the closed door as I walked up to it.
"Well, yes ma'am, but this one is surprisingly early, believe it or not."
"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, you weren't expecting it home for a few months, yet, but he's here." the voice replied. My heart skipped a beat as I flung the door open.

There he was. My husband, standing tall in his uniform.

I leaped into his arms, my arms tight around his neck as I took in his warmth.
"Woah-" he chuckled, dropping his belongings on the porch as he wrapped his arms around me, heading into the house.
"Oh my God, you're really home-" I said, tearing up.
"Mm... yes." He said, kissing me softly.
"Is that really you?" I asked.
"Yes, baby, it's really me." He mumbled between kisses. 

Tears fell down my cheeks as I kissed him, taking in his scent for the first time in over a year.
"Don't you cry, now, c'mere." He said, setting me on the couch.

"God... how I've missed these lips." He chuckled, kissing me again.

"Your hair..." I said, a hint of sadness in my voice. I always loved his long curls.
"It is a bit shorter, isn't it? Military regulation and all. Hopefully you don't mind it?"
"Hm..." was all I replied with.
"Well, we have plenty of time to let it grow back out. We have the rest of our lives." 
"I've spent way too long away from the love of my life and I'm never gonna let that happen again."  

I smiled, looking up at him. 
"Come here, babygirl. Give me some more of those kisses I've been missing." he said, kissing me softly, before picking me up. 
"Up you go. Now, let's get you to the bedroom, shall we?" 

I raised an eyebrow. "Missed me that much, huh?" I asked cockily. 
He laughed softly under his breath. "Not like that, baby. Not that soon." he winked, making me blush. 

"Wow, you've got some muscle on you now." I giggle as he sat me on the bed.
"Do I? I suppose all that hustle did kind of harden my edges a bit, didn't it? Think you can handle me being a little more muscular for a while?" he asked with a giggle. 
"I'll manage." I shrug. 
"Is that right? You just wait until I lie you down... we'll see how smart your tongue is then." he smirked, making my cheeks burn. 
"S-shut up-" 

He chuckled. "Get the door, would you?" 
I shut the door behind me.

"God, this is just the way I remember it. Mess and all."
"Hey, I didn't think you were coming home. I would've had it clean but-"
"No, baby, I'm not complaining... I'm just... reminiscing." 
I took a seat next to him, wrapping my arms around him. 

"Mind if I talk to you a little bit? I haven't really had anybody to truly have a conversation with in almost two years... and trust me, I've had a lot on my mind." he laughed.
"Of course. Tell me about it." 
"Seeing a sight as beautiful as you after all that time on duty... it's just enough to make my heart burst, but seeing something like this? My bedroom I share with the love of my life... to see these sheets and this blanket, and to know that this side right here is mine. It does something to me. When I was out there... I saw some things. Horrible, terrible things. I saw a sliver of the world and just a taste of the pain and torture out there. I met men and women who became my friends and brothers and sisters. I saw them transform from these plucky, young bootcamp kids to these hardened, efficient, militant young adults. Some of them... they broke from what they saw. They really did, and sometimes I thought I might too. But I knew this was here waiting for me. I knew you were here waiting for me."

I smiled, putting my head on his shoulder. These were the moments that made me realize how in love he actually was with me.
"I faced everyday knowing that I was doing what I was doing to keep that ugliness the world had to show away from this bedroom. Away from this house, from my marriage. Now... I know how to feel... how you felt about me enlisting in the first place. And what I said then, I think still stands now. Heroes don't wear capes, they wear dog tags. I had a family legacy I wanted to live up to, and I did my part to carry on that tradition. But I learned that it's not just heroes that wear dog tags, baby, it's people. Artists, teachers, musicians, engineers, real, actual people laying their life on the line. I mean sure, you can say this and that about politics. Mismanaged troops, poor decisions. having been in there, having crawled through those trenches? I'm honestly not sure if I agree or disagree. But I do know that when you're there, the bullets are flying and you find yourself in survival mode. You're not thinking about whether or not the president has you doing the right thing. You're thinking about protecting your friends and earning your way back home. I can't tell you how many times I've been right up against it, baby, and the only thing that kept me going was the image of you. And your smile. This picture right here." He smiled, lifting my chin so I could look up at him. 

"I'm sorry, love, I'm rambling. I'm just... I knew when I got my orders that I'd be coming home. I knew when I got on that plane that I'd be coming home, and even when I walked into this house. But it wasn't until now, sitting in this room with you that I finally realize that I am home. That it's finally over. All the things we planned in those letters, all those kisses I promised you in those sad calls, trying damn hard not to cry because I knew the guys were gonna get at me if I did... all those things we planned, we can stop them. The rest of our lives start now. I'm home, and I'm here to live up to all those promises." 

I smiled at him, kissing him softly.

"Beginning with teaching that smart mouth of yours a lesson."
My stomach fluttered. He still knew just what to say to give me butterflies and make me flustered. 

"Now get over here, you beautiful thing. Let me remind you just how much I love you... and let me show you firsthand just how badly I've missed you." 

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