Meeting your Parents

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concept: meeting your parents

short filler :)



[Your POV]

I started the car, Corpse's hand on my thigh as I pulled out of the driveway. I knew he was nervous. 

He was meeting my family for the first time. Not just my parents, but the rest of my family as well. Some of my cousins and aunts were coming over to help decorate Christmas cookies. It was as tradition in our family. We would just decorate cookies, drink a little bit, play some cards, and just hang out.

"Calm down, baby." I said, seeing his bouncing knee in my peripheral vision. 
"What if they don't like me?" he asked, squeezing my hand. 
"They'll love you. They're pretty accepting people, they don't judge people that don't deserve it." I explained. 

We soon pulled into the driveway, some of my aunts and cousins already there.

"Ready?" I asked, holding his hand.
"I guess I have to be." he shrugged.

"Don't be nervous. You're okay." I smiled.

We headed inside. "Hey, guys!" I smiled, Corpse's hand still in mine.

"Hey, Y/N! How've you been?" a family member asked, hugging me.
"I've been good! This is my boyfriend, Corpse." I smiled, gesturing to him.
"Hi." he said shyly, waving to my family.
"Nice to meet you!" she said sweetly, shaking Corpse's hand.

"He's very handsome, Y/N. You did good." she laughed. 
I giggled as well, squeeing Corpse's hand. 
"I know, right? He's so cute." I teased, seeing Corpse get red.

We took our shoes off and headed upstairs and into the kitchen. "Hey!" I greeted as I walked into the kitchen, being greeted by the rest of my family. 
"Hey, Y/N! And... her friend?" 
"Boyfriend. This is Corpse. Corpse, this is my family." I said, introducing each person individually.

"Hello-" Corpse said softly. 

Everybody's eyes went wide. "Wow, I love your voice! It's so different!" my younger cousin said happily. 

"Thank you!" Corpse said, opening up a bit. He was becoming a bit more comfortable, so you decided to take a seat.

"Let's decorate some cookies!" I said happily, grabbing a piping bag full of icing, as well as some sprinkles.

Corpse chuckled, leaning over and whispering in my ear. "You're adorable, cupcake." he said, his hand on my thigh.

I blushed, spreading the frosting on my cookie as my cheeks burned.

"Just saying." he said, putting a cookie in his mouth.
"Want some?" he asked, his mouth full.

I giggled softly, taking a bite of the part of the cookie that was sticking out of his mouth, our lips bumping together.

We both started laughing, and I kissed Corpse softly. "Thanks."

"Awww-" I heard in unison. 

"Stop-" I blushed again, Corpse's face a shade deeper as well. Now I remembered why I was never a huge PDA person.


"Do you know how to play this game?" I asked as I dealt the cards to everybody at the table, looking at Corpse.

"Kind of.. not really." he said. 

I dealt the cards, and explained to Corpse the rules. 

"Okay so let me see your cards-" I said. 
"No, you'll cheat!"
"I'm not cheating, I'm helping you!" I laughed.
"Hm... fine."
"So you can follow the same suit, or you can put down three of the same number. Like if you have three 7's, you can meld them and put them down even if they aren't the same suit. But if you have a 10, jack, queen, and king, you can put those down too but they all have to be the same suit. So they all have to be a spade, or a heart, or whatever." I explain.

"You've never played Rummy before have you?" 
"Ugh-" I laughed, shaking my head. "This is more difficult to explain than I thought it would be." I giggled.

"Can't we just play Uno? I'll fuck up some uno." Corpse whined. 
I giggled. "After this game."


"Did you have fun?" I asked, laying on Corpse's chest.

"I did. Thanks for inviting me..." he said.
"Of course! Anytime." I smiled, kissing his lips softly.

"You know, I think my mom wants you as her son in law." I admitted. "She likes you a lot."
"Really?" Corpse asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, really."
"I didn't think she would even fathom me..." he said.
"She loves you! My whole family does. So hopefully you stick around."
"I plan on it." he chuckled.

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