You Can't Go

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tw: kidnapping, obsessive, yandere


[Your POV]

I opened my eyes. God,  my head was pounding. Fuck. Everything was shaking as my vision got less fuzzy and the ringing in my ears died down. Where was I!? I wasn't in my bed, or my couch... or my house, at the very least? I don't even remember falling asleep.

"Hey, beautiful. Beautiful, wakey wakey. Wake up..."

I looked up, trying to find the deep voice calling for me. My heart skipped a beat. Who was this person?! Holy shit I have to be dreaming still because what the fuck?

"There you are! You've been sleeping for so long. You're awake now... aww, look at you! You're so cute when you're sleepy like this. God, you were out for so long. I almost thought you weren't gonna make it. That would've been horrible! You usually don't sleep for that long. I- well, I've actually been worried that you haven't been getting enough sleep. You know you really don't take care of yourself enough!" the man spoke up. I couldn't really see his full face. He had black curly hair that covered most of his forehead, and an eyepatch on his eye. 

I'm internally freaking out. Where am I? Who is this person? Why is he talking to me like he knows me? How did I get here?

"But, it's okay now! Now I can take care of you. I can take care of everything now... I'm gonna make sure you're eating properly, and I'm gonna make sure that you're getting your beauty rest, of course! And I can even dress you if you want? I mean, you already look amazing as it is. I don't think anything I do can compare to you, but... oh, sorry, I'm rambling. Well I hope you're feeling okay? You... are feeling okay? Right?" He asked. He seemed genuine in the things he was saying and asking... not like a crazy person who just kidnapped me. 

I didn't reply. I couldn't. My hands were tied and my mouth was taped off.

"To be honest, I thought you'd be squirming more, or making some kind of fuss. Oh no, I hope I didn't tie you up too tight! Are you okay? It's not uncomfortable is it? Hm, let me see..." he said, touching the ropes restraining my hands.
"You know I practiced these knots so many times, and I thought about you every night while I was doing it! Just to make sure I tried my very best, you know? I really didn't wanna make any mistakes. You know I didn't wanna hurt you, but hey, if they are uncomfortable, I have handcuffs too? Hm, I should show you. I have soft handcuffs, I have normal ones, and look I even have fluffy ones! Each pair is just for you. In fact, I can't wait to use them on you! We can even try them right now if you wanted? Just say yes or no, okay?"

Okay, clearly this dude was insane, but was he stupid as well? How are you smart enough to plan a whole kidnapping but can't realize that I can't respond with tape over my mouth. 

"Oh, sorry I guess you can't really talk with that tape over your mouth-" he chuckled.
"But, it was really for your own good, you know? If you made too much noise, it would've been impossible to get you down here! So, I hope you understand. It was really really important that I restrained you in just the right way. I hope I didn't hurt you, if I hurt you at all, I would never forgive myself. You know I wouldn't hurt even the tiniest little hair on your head, right? I hope you do. God, I hope you're not taking this all the wrong way. Maybe I should explain. So, you can call me Corpse, and you may not remember me, but we had classes together years ago. And well, from the moment you walked into that room, I was completely captivated by you. Your hair, your eyes, your skin... your smile. Ugh, that  smile. The way that you talked... I was completely spellbound by you. And I know you felt the same way because you sat right next to me and you shared your math answers with me! I understand if you forgot. Maybe you forgot, but I could never forget you. It was the best day of my life. You were so nice, it was indescribable. You were such an angel. Such an amazing, beautiful angel. I knew from that moment on that we were meant to be together forever! But... but you always had your headphones in and I knew that maybe if we talked again that maybe I would screw up and completely fuck up the chances of us being together forever. It was so scary. So, I just tried my best to take care of you until I could finally tell you how I really feel." He continued on and on, not even seeming to think about taking the tape off to let me answer.

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