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Transmasc! reader

trigger warning: unsafe binding, gender dysmorphia
(written for all of my ftm/nb readers <3) 


[Your POV]

I stood in front of the mirror, putting another layer of cohesive tape on top of my sports bra. I put on one of my boyfriends shirts, the shirt being a few sizes too big. 

I put some of his sweatpants on, tying the drawstring around my waist to keep them from falling.  

I felt much more confident now... but something was off.

 My hair. I knew I had to get it cut sometime soon... but as much as I wanted to feel masculine, I knew I would miss my hair. It was always one of my best features. People always complimented it, and it was long and gorgeous. I knew that. But it felt selfish to cut it off. 

Of course, donating it was always an option. That was a good idea. I'll go with that.

I slid a hoodie over my shirt, my chest now looking totally flat. 

"One more thing..." I whispered to myself. This part was awkward, even though I was alone. 

I took two socks, folding them into one another, before putting it in my boxers. In the mirror, you could see a little bit of a print. That made me feel a bit better as well.

Grabbing my keys and wallet, I decided to do it. I made the impulsive decision to cut my hair. I skipped out of my apartment happily, out into the parking lot.


"I want something like... masculine. Short, definitely. Maybe a little longer on the top, and shorter on the sides. Like a fade maybe?" I explained to the hairdresser, honestly not quite sure what I were talking about to be honest. 

"I understand what you're saying. Would you like to dye it too?" the hairdresser asked softly. I hadn't thought about that. 
"Well, let's just cut it for now, and then tomorrow if I decide I want it, I'll come back?" you asked.
"Of course, that's perfectly fine." she smiled. 

"Are you ready?" she asked, prepping her station and putting a cape around my neck.

I took a breath.

"Yeah. I'm ready." 

I had to close my eyes. I felt a quite a large amount of weight fall off my head. 
"Jesus-" I laughed softly, my eyes still closed.

"Are you nervous?" she asked with a laugh.

"Definitely. I'm not even out to my friends or family." I said, realizing I hadn't told her I was trans. 
"Well, I'm always here, love." she said. "If you need anything, you're always welcome to come to me." she smiled. 

My heart was going a million miles an hour. I had just came out to someone for the first time... and everything was just normal. Perfect, actually.

"You alright, sweetheart?" she asked, cutting the hair on the top of my head.
"I'm alright. Just very happy." I chuckle.
"Good. Hopefully I can make you happier with this hair cut." she laughed, running a comb through it. 

"Are you ready to see it?"
"Please." I laughed.

I opened my eyes as she spun me around. It was even better than I could have imagined. 

I stood up, taking off the cape and hugging the lady. 
"Thank you so much." 

She smiled, hugging me back. "Anytime, sweetheart. Anytime." 

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