Sleep Deprivation

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"Fuck." you mumble, your coffee mug sliding off of your desk. "God damn it-" 

You walked into the kitchen, grabbing a towel and wetting it a bit to clean up the mess, right before putting on another pot of coffee and grabbing some cleaner. 

"I only have two days to get all of this done, why does this have to happen to me?" you mumble, hearing the front door fall closed as you entered your office again. 

You heard your boyfriend come home, but you were too tired and too busy to bother saying hello. You figured if he needed you, he would find a way to say hello himself. 

Another hour went by, and you needed another cup of coffee. Corpse finally decided to say hello, entering the office you'd locked yourself in for the past 48 hours. 

He observed the heaps of crumbled papers, the stacks of books and folders, and the Doordash Starbucks reciepts along with the discarded plastic cups and cardboard cup holders. The dim light was almost not even readable from how many papers were stacked around it. 

"Babe?" he asked, seeing you slumped over the desk with your nose in a piece of paper. 

"I'm home?" he said, clearly confused by the enviornment around you. 

"Hi." you replied simply, not even giving him a glance. 
"Are you almost done? You've been in here for almost three days. You only come out for coffee and to use the bathroom. When was the last time you ate?" 

You groaned, getting annoyed as he kept quizzing you on everything while you were trying to finish your work. 

"What? Uh, I dunno, earlier?"
"What time?" 

"Like, 1pm. Two days ago or something, I dunno, just let me finish, please?" you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose as you maintained your composure.

"What? Babe, stop, alright? Take a break. A real break." he sighed, walking up to your computer, saving your progress, and then closing the lid.

"Wh- Stop! Stop, I need to finish..." you said, annoyed.

"No, you can finish after you eat and get some sleep. Understand?" 
"But it's due in two days, and finals are in a week! I have better things to do." you sigh, getting more and more frustrated. 

"Okay. I understand. But, you can do that in the morning. It's almost 10 pm, love. Come on." Corpse said, not even willing to negotiate anything with you.

Before you could protest again, he picked you up, your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. You couldn't complain anymore, you knew you were tired. 

"You need to get some food, baby bear. What do you want." 

"Anything." you shrug, your stomach grumbling against his. 

He laughed a bit, setting you on the couch. "Soup? Chicken nuggets? Strawberry shortcake? What will it be?" he asked with a giggle.

"Anything caffinated." you mumbled, snuggling into the arm of the couch. 

"No, no more caffine for you. I'm surprised you haven't built up a tolerence for it yet."  he sighed, before putting some chicken and fries in the Air Fryer. 

"Hey, is that pot of coffee done?" you speak up, looking up at Corpse. 

He shook his head, sighing. "That coffee was done two and a half hours ago. Either way, you aren't drinking any." 

"But- I need to finish." you yawned, your head hitting the couch cushion behind you. 
"No, no. Don't fall asleep until we get some food in you." he said, shaking you until you opened your eyes. 

"But... hmph..." you groaned. "Is it almost done?"

"Stop pouting. And yeah, only two more minutes." he said, kissing your forehead before heading into the kitchen. 

He returned with a plate with chicken nuggets and fries, along with some water.

"Here, doll." he said, joining you on the couch. 

"Is there b-"
"Yes, there's barbecue sauce." he laughed. "I know what you like, baby." 

You finally cracked a small smile, taking the plate and snuggling into his side. 

"You're warm." you said, stuffing some chicken into your mouth.

"Well, you're cold." he chuckled, before looking at you with furrowed eyebrows.

"Jeez, baby, you really were hungry." he said with a frown. 

"I guess. Why do you look so... worried?" you ask softly. 

"You just need to take better care of yourself." he sighed.

"I have been. I've just been busy." 

"Really? When was the last time you showered? Or brushed your teeth? Or your hair? Ate? Apparently not within the past two days. So listen to me for once and take a break." 

You sighed, taking a bite of another fry before finishing off the rest of the chicken. 

"You done?" Corpse said, taking your plate and setting it in the sink.

"Thank you. For taking care of yourself." he sighed.

"No... you were the one taking care of me. So thank you.." you reply, cuddling into his side once he sat down, his arm around your shoulder.

"Well, that's what we do. You take care of me, and I take care of you, baby." he smiled, kissing your forehead. 

"Anything you want to do tomorrow? Besides work?" he asked, pulling you closer to him. 

He didn't hear a response, so he looked down at you. 


You were already asleep, your face in his shoulder as he held onto you. 

"That's what I thought." he laughed, before kissing your forehead.

Corpse Husband x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now