Poetry Class.

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High School! A.U

A/N: there's a lot of time skips in this sorry about that </3 also it's kinda short but it's just a filler for now.


The clock seemed to be ticking slower than usual. "God, can this class so any slower?" you mumble to yourself. You looked over, seeing one of your fellow classmates doing his work. He looked as if he was struggling to understand what he was doing. 

"Need some help?" you spoke up, a welcoming smile on your face as you watched him write and erase something for about the fourth time. 
"If it isn't too much trouble?" the man smiled. You'd never actually seen his face, but god, was he handsome. His voice was really deep as well. 
"No, of course not! What do you need help with?" you ask happily, scooting your desk closer to his. 
"U-um... this one..." he said, pointing to the question as he picked up his pencil. 
"Oh, this? It's easy once you learn, trust me." you smile, before beginning to explain how to do the work.


"Thanks for the help." the boy smiled. You learned that he went by Corpse. 
"No problem! Anytime." you smile back, handing Corpse his pencil back. 
"So um... would you want to study again? Maybe tomorrow after school? Maybe we could go to that Sip House in town square?" He suggested. 
You blushed a bit, kind of hoping he'd see it as a date. "S-Sure! Like um... like a date?" you ask, a bit nervous because there was always the chance that he'd say no. 
"Y-yeah! If.. that's what you want it to be?" he said. 
"Yeah, for sure!" you say, getting on your tippy toes and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "See you then." you add, before walking away. 

You turn around, seeing Corpse looking down at his feet with the biggest smile on his face. His cheeks were bright red, and his fingertips were placed on the part of his cheek where you kissed him. You giggled to yourself, thinking that was adorable. 


Every week, you two began to meet at the Sip House. Thursdays at 4. It was your favorite day of the week, and you and Corpse had become quite good friends. 

You walked into the small shop, fairy lights and warm-colored lamps lighting the shop. The smell of coffee and vanilla hit your nose as you sat in your usual spot in the loft part of the cafe. 
"Hey, Y/N. The usual?" your favorite barista called out once he noticed you. 
"Yes please. One for Corpse, too." you smile, pulling out your laptop and deciding to do some work before Corpse arrived. 

You worked for about 10 minutes, before you heard Corpse. "Hey, Y/N." he smiled, ruffling your hair. 
"Hey." you replied, closing your laptop. "Got you some coffee." you smile, stuffing the laptop into your bag. 

"Thanks. I um... I wanted to ask you something?" Corpse said, sounding a bit nervous. 
"Yeah, what's up?" you say, taking a sip of your coffee. 
"So... prom? You know that it's coming up soon and um... neither of us have anybody to go with and, y'know..." Corpse started. "I-I uh... I'm pretty sure you know I have feelings for you. So would you wanna go? With me? Possibly?" Corpse asked, sounding very nervous. 
You smiled widely, not expecting that. "Of course, Corpse!"  you smiled. "Of course I'll go with you." 
"Really?" Corpse asked, the cutest smile on his face. 


Looking back on it, you were really happy that you took that poetry class, and that you accepted that invitation to the coffee shop. You were also happy that you went to prom with your best friend in freshman year... because now you two were sitting in the large audience, waiting to walk across the stage. You took Corpse's hand in your own. "Ready to do this thing?" 

"Yeah. Definitely." Corpse laughed, squeezing your hand. 
he sighed out. "I'm proud of myself for making it through high school... but you were definitely my best accomplishment within these four years." Corpse continued. You giggled, resting your head on his shoulder. "I love you."
"I love you too, princess..." Corpse smiled, pressing a warm kiss to your forehead. 

You heard the principal call Corpse's real name, and Corpse got up. He walked across the stage, shaking hands and accepting his diploma. You couldn't help but get emotional. You were so proud of him. 

He stepped off the stage and joined you in the crowd again. 
"Hey Corpse?"
"Need some help with your poetry homework?" 

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