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context: you get a bit jealous of one of Corpse's female friends


The rain hit the side of the window as you finished putting on your dress. Corpse had promised you a night together, and you were really excited since you had such a long, sucky week. 

You checked your lashes and lipgloss one last time, before grabbing your purse. 

"Babe?" you call out, waiting for Corpse. He was nose deep in his phone, chuckling as he texted someone. 

"Baby-" Still no reply.
"Corpse!" you yelled, making him jump and look up at you.

"Hm? Yeah?" 
"Are you ready?" you ask, kind of annoyed.

"Yeah. Yeah, let's go." he said, grabbing his wallet and slipping on his shoes.

Your heart sank. He didn't even compliment you. You had been planning your outfit for so long... and he didn't even acknowledge it. 

"But..." you started, but didn't finish.

"Hm? You say something, Y/N?"

You just shook your head. "No. Let's go." you say, heading to the car. 


You had noticed Corpse texting someone the entire time. You took a deep breath, slowing down at a red light.
"Are you just gonna be in your phone all night?" you asked softly.
"Y/N, just stop. We're gonna be together all night, alright? Chill out." he said. Your heart was starting to hurt.
"Okay. Sorry." you mumbled.

By the time you got there and got a seat, you couldn't stop thinking of the fact that Corpse was not only on his phone, but asked for a table for three. Were you expecting someone else? He would've at least told you, right?

"Baby?" you spoke up quietly. "I-is anybody else coming?" you ask softly.

He didn't reply for a good 20 seconds, before looking up at someone. "Hey, you made it!" he said to someone. It was Emma. You had always been friends with her... but you realized he had invited another girl to your guys' date. 

They were laughing and joking and enjoying each other's company, neither of them muttering a single word to you other than Emma giving a hello. 

As they downed yet another drink, you couldn't help but lose your appetite. You weren't even hungry anymore, let alone excited. And you kind of just wanted to go home. 

"Right baby?" Corpse laughed out, looking at you and acknowledging you for the first time tonight. 
"Hm?" you asked, not paying attention really. 
"Meh, forget it. It's not serious." he laughed. "Well anyways-" 

As they continued their conversation you got more and more anxious and ready to go home. 

"See you later." he said to Emma, giving her a hug as she left. You hadn't realized how long you'd been there... nor how you didn't even order any food. 

Corpse took your hand, looking down at you with a smile. "How was your food babe?" he asked. You shrugged.

"Wh- wait, baby... did you eat?" he asked, cupping your face in his hands. 
You just shrugged again. "Don't worry about it, I just want to go home." 


The moment you walked in the door, Corpse was twirling you around. "God, you look absolutely stunning tonight." he said softly, pulling you close to him. 
You pull away, just nodding. 

"Baby? Hey... talk to me, what's wrong?" he frowned. "Is everything okay? Are you sick? Do you not feel good?" 

You couldn't help but let out a laugh. "You know I bet Emma looked stunning too tonight." you say, rolling your eyes as you walked into the bathroom, mascara starting to streak your cheeks as you locked the door behind you.

You swept your hair into a ponytail and slipped out of your dress and into some pajamas. You just wanted to forget that this day happened to be honest. 

"Baby... hey, open up.." he sighed out. "Talk to me." 

You wipe a tear, your makeup still running as you opened the door.

"Oh love... I'm so sorry, did I say something wrong?" he asks softly. 

You take a deep breath. "No! You didn't say anything, that's the problem!" 
"What? I don't think I understand?" 

You just wanted to rip your hair out from frustration. 
"You don't take a girl out on a date just to bring another girl and completely ignore your date the entire time! I got dressed for you, did my makeup, wore blistering heels, did my hair, and I didn't even get a response for all of the three hours we were out together!" 

Corpse pursed his lips. He knew you were right, and now he felt awful. 
"I'm sorry baby. You're right, I dunno what I was thinking. It won't happen again, I promise. And I'm sorry it happened at all, love. You're my best girl. My only girl." 

You nod, shrugging a bit. "It's okay. Don't worry about it." 

He frowns. "Well I am worried about it, okay? I'm sorry. Now, let me give you some cuddles on the couch." 

You shrug again. "I think I'm just going to go to bed." 

Corpse sighed, looking down at you. "Fine. But lets get you cleaned up, doll. It's not good to sleep with makeup on." he said softly, wiping the excess makeup off your cheeks with a makeup wipe.
"and no more tears. I'm not letting you go to bed until you smile." he chuckled with a slight grin.

You didn't reply, so he tried again. "Come on baby bear, give me a smile, hm? Unless you need me to force you?" he said, before throwing you over his shoulder. That made you start to laugh. 
"Stop! Put me down!" you giggle, hiding your face on his shoulder.

"Aha! I win, you lose! Corpse, 1. Baby bear, zero." he teased, kissing you softly.

You roll your eyes, wrapping your arms around him tightly and hugging him with your face in his chest. 

"No need to be upset, bub. You're my favorite girl in the world." he whispers, kissing the top of your head and rubbing your shoulders. 
"Everything is okay, baby bear. I promise. And I love you. More than life itself." he chuckles, lifting your chin and giving you another soft kiss on the lips. 

You were red and blushing now, hiding your face in his chest. "Hm..." 
He laughed softly, holding you tight.

"You're my pretty girl. Now let me make it up to you." 

Corpse Husband x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now