Glasses (part two)

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(Corpse's POV)

My phone buzzed as I stood inside the coffee shop, just like every other morning. 

It was an old friend of mine from my old town.

"Hey, what's going on? It's been a while, how've you been?" 
"I'm alright, you?"
"Yeah, sorry I didn't check in. I'm doing fine. Ever since I got that job a while back, I've been swamped."
"Where are you?" he laughed, hearing the bustle of the shop around me.

"Just in the coffee shop near my place, enjoying some dark roast. Just like everyday." 
"Where you met that girl?" 

My face immediately got red. 

"W-well, I dunno. I mean, yeah. Still kind of hoping to catch a glimpse of her."
"Kind of hard to do that if you don't know what she looks like." 

I rolled my eyes. It sucked, because he was right.

"Well, yeah, but you know... maybe she'll recognize me and reach out to me. Or maybe I'll recognize her voice! And... ugh. God I sound like a loser, don't I?" I sigh.
"Look, you've been my friend for as long as I can remember. Have I ever, ever been this crazy about a girl before? Have you ever known me to be the type of person to change my entire routine just to wait around for someone I knew for all of ten minutes?" 

"Maybe you scared her away with your coffee breath." 

I just let out a laugh. He was an ass.

"Okay, listen, have you even tried to forget about this chick?" 
"Yes! But I can't! Believe me, I can't. She's... ugh, she's made a way into my head. Every morning for the past two weeks, I've gone to this coffee shop in hopes to find her. Every single time the bell to the door rings my heart skips a beat." 
"You're totally whipped." 
"Whipped huh?" I laugh. "Well, I may be. But she's worth waiting for. I know it. Hold on one second, a barista is talking to me." 

"Your coffee sir." 

"What? Uh- I didn't order this. I have my coffee right here, see?" 
"Well, a woman bought it for you." she shrugged.
"Um... okay? Thanks whoever did this?" I chuckle.

I returned to my call, thinking that the entire sitution was a bit creepy and weird.

I explained what happened to my friend. 
"Apparently, this mystery woman knows that I like dark roast. Oh shit, wait, theres a note scribbled on a napkin." I said once I took a sip. 

"It says: 'congrats on the new job, you look good in a suit. Almost makes me want to kiss you again ;)'." 

Wait, what?

PS. If you want to "see" me, take off your glasses.

"Alright, I've gotta go, see you. " I rushed out, quickly hanging up. 

It was her... she was here.

I took my glasses off and set them on my table. 

I felt hands covering my eyes.

"It's you, isn't it?" I chuckled, hearing the small giggle from behind me. 

"Your hands may be covering my eyes, but I can recognize that laugh from anywhere." I said. "Couldn't forget it if I tried." 

She took the seat across from me. 

"You're here! God, you're really here, and sitting across from me. How did you know I'd be here?" 
"Saw you through the window." she said simply with a shrug.
"Stalker." I laughed softly. "But how did you know how I like my coffee?"
"Overheard that phone conversation." she admitted. 

I nodded. I suppose that made sense. But... shit.

"Wait, you heard what I said about finding you? Please don't freak out. I know that convo might've sounded really, really creepy, but I meant what I said. For weeks, all I've wanted was to see you again." 
"Don't worry. I wanted to see you too." she smiled, leaning over the table and kissing my cheek. 

I went red. She knew what she was doing. 

"U-um... speaking of, I want to actually see you. Why make me take off my glasses? You gonna keep me in suspense?" 
"I don't want you to see me." 
"What? Well, I'm a little lost? Why?Did I do something wrong?" 
"Okay then, mind telling me what's going on?" I laughed awkwardly. 
She didn't reply, but I could see her sillhouete look down at her hands. 
"Wait, don't tell me you're feeling self concious about the way you look?" 

The silence told me the answer.

"I mean, you seemed so confident when we first met!" 
"I just thought I might feel more like myself if you couldn't see me." 
"I understand that. But you didn't think you could do that if I could see you? Did you think that I would... I dunno, judge you based on the way you look?" 

Another silent response.

"Look, despite what you may think about your appearance, that doesn't change for incredible you are. You walked me home at the risk of getting to work late so that I would make it to my interview on time! Most people would've just cursed me out and left me to my own helplessness, but you... you didn't. You said so yourself that you wanted to see me. That means that there's something special between us, right? I want to get to get to know you. I want to see you... all of you! I trusted you that day and you didn't let me down. Trust me this time, I swear I won't let you down." 

She took a breath, clearly thinking about it.

"I... I'm gonna close my eyes, with my glasses on, and count down from ten. When I get to one, I'm gonna open them. When I do, I really, really hope that you'll still be there." 


"Okay. I'm opening them now."

She was gone. 

Damn it. I guess that was it. 

But thankfully I saw my napkin. 

"Sorry, chickened out. See you next time <3"

Only she crossed out the "see you". Very funny. 

Yes. Yes she would. I wasn't going to give up on her. Not that easily. 

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