The River

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(High School! AU)
concept: you and corpse are mutual friends, but start to become closer. friends to lovers basically lmao.



"You guys going to The River tonight?" you heard your friend Rae from behind you, interrupting your thoughts about your English exam, which was next week. 
"Hm? Oh- yeah, are you?" you asked, placing your books in your locker. 

The River was your friend group's hangout spot. It was this abandoned firepit right on the river that you and one of your other friends found when you guys were on a walk one day. The next day you showed the others the spot, and then it just became your guys' hangout.

"Yeah, I'm going. Is Corpse going?" Rae replied. 
You immediately blushed at the name. You had started to grow quite fond of Corpse, and honestly a bit attracted to him. He was a year above you, a junior. "I-I'm not sure yet. I'll ask him at lunch." you say, slinging your backpack over your shoulder. "I know George and Dream are going, though." 

You two walked into the lunchroom, joining Corpse at your usual table. 
"Hey, you goin' to The River tonight?" Rae asked, standing up and reaching across the table to steal a fry from Corpse's tray.
"Yeah... got nothin' better to do." Corpse shrugged.
You could have sworn that you saw him glance at you from the corner of his eye, but you weren't for sure. 
"I mean... as long as Y/N is going?" Corpse added, looking at you for sure this time.
"Yeah! Y-yeah, I'm going." you smile. 
"Cool..." Corpse nodded. 

Fuck. Things were starting to get awkward. "I'm gonna go eat my lunch in the library, I've got finals next week and gotta study. See you tonight." you said quickly, exiting the cafeteria as quickly as possible.


The warm wind felt nice against your bare arms, the breeze slightly ruffling your hair as you watched the guys come back from the woods, their arms filled with enough wood to keep the fire going for about 5 hours. 

"Hey, Y/N! Catch!" you heard Dream yell, tossing a beer to you. 

You didn't get the chance to react, before getting whacked in the arm with a beer can. Luckily the can didn't burst all over you and the blanket you were sitting on, but the coldness did leave behind a bit of a sting. 

"Damn dude, give a better heads up next time!" you yelled, clearly a bit annoyed.
"Bro, chill out!" Corpse yelled at your friend, coming over to you. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks." you say, getting comfortable on the blanket again. 
"Enough room here for two?" Corpse asked, gesturing towards the blanket. 
"Yeah, of course, go ahead!" You smile, scooting over.

You were mentally freaking out. You had never been this close to him before, and now you had the chance to clearly see how handsome he was. You knew he was cute, but you didn't realize how truly gorgeous he was. 

"It's really nice out tonight." you smiled, the sun hitting your eyes as you looked up at Corpse.
"It really is. This is like- my favorite time of day." he said, looking into your eyes. "Like... when the sun is right above the horizon and it's just so golden and it makes your skin glow. Not exactly golden hour but just... dusk I guess." 
You smiled at that, looking out at the sun again. "It is quite gorgeous..." you say, bringing your knees to your chest. You could still feel Corpse looking at you, but you didn't want to look back at him. You felt like that'd be awkward. 
"You know... I've never told you this before- I mean, hell, we've barely talked before, but you're honestly really beautiful." Corpse admitted, his cheeks getting a shade darker.

You couldn't help but blush at that. You chuckled a bit, looking down at your feet. "I don't feel like that's true... but thank you." you laugh.
"No, I'm being serious. You're honestly beautiful. The way the sun hits your eyes is just... perfection." Corpse said. 
You were practically melting now. "Well, thank you. Not too bad yourself." you teased, reaching up and ruffling his hair. You both giggled at that, both of you blushing as well. 

The sun soon went down, the fire and some lanterns being your only source of light. 
You brought your knees to your chest again, regretting not bringing a jacket. The wind bit at your skin, blowing your hair away from your face. 
"Are you cold?" Corpse asked, looking down at you. 
"A bit, but I'll be okay." you lied.
"No, here, take my jacket. It's kind of light, but it's better than nothing." Corpse said softly, his deep voice calming and quiet. It could honestly put you to sleep if you were tired enough.
You felt his jacket drape over your shoulders, Corpse pulling you a bit closer to him. 
"Sorry if that made you uncomfortable, I just run hot so I figured if we were closer you'd get some body heat." he said. 
"No, it's okay! Thank you." you smiled, contemplating putting your head on his shoulder. 
You shoved your arms through the sleeves, before scooting even closer to him, you guys being shoulder to shoulder now. 
"I-is this okay?" you ask as you put your head on his shoulder.
"Oh- yeah, that's okay." Corpse smiled, a light blush on his cheeks. 


"Thanks for dropping me off. I had a lot of fun tonight... it was nice to get to know you so much more, too." you giggle,  taking off Corpse's jacket and starting to hand it to him.
"No, you can keep it for now." Corpse smiled. "But, me too. I had a lot of fun tonight."
"Well um... I guess I'll see you tomorrow..." you say softly, a blush on your cheeks as you held his jacket close to your chest. 

The next thing you knew, Corpse was bending down, his hand firmly on your waist, the other cupping your face. He was looking into your eyes, only about 5 inches separating your guys' lips. 
"Can I kiss you?" he asked, pursing his lips.
"Y-yeah... I think I'd like that..." you smiled, looking up at him.

You got onto your tippy toes, wrapping an arm around his neck, the other hand placed against his chest while the jacket was tucked under your arm. You slowly started to lean further in, Corpse doing the same. 
You soon felt a pair of soft, warm lips gently land on yours. You two stayed like that for a moment. 

"I'll um... I'll see you tomorrow." Corpse smiled once you two pulled away. It took a moment for you to open your eyes to look at him, but when you did... it was like the most beautiful sight in the world to you.
"Right... see ya." You smiled, ruffling his hair before walking into the house. 

You headed upstairs to your room, changing into some pajamas and hopping into bed. You cuddled his jacket close to you, taking in the scent of his cologne. You couldn't believe that you just kissed him. Just a soft, sweet, innocent kiss... but you wouldn't have it any other way. 

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