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concept: You're a doctor, and while taking care of a patient that was in a car accident, you start to grow fond of each other.

tw: car crash


You and your coworkers all stood at the front of the hospital, ready to take on the large amount of patients that were about to come in from a car crash. 

About 30 seconds went by, before about 15 patients got rushed in on stretchers, wheelchairs, etc. You run up to one of the nearest stretchers, a paramedic on top of the patient, doing chest compressions while explaining the patient's stats to you. 

"Patient is a white male, 23 years old, about 165 pounds.". We tried to find some type of ID but his wallet must've been lost in the crash." the paramedic explained. "We think we might need to intubate." he said, hopping off of the patient. 

You look down at the man. He had a lot of blood and bruises on his face, but you couldn't help but tell he was very handsome. "I've got it from here, thank you." you say, pushing the young man on the stretcher into a trauma bay. 


It had been about three days. He was in a coma. You were right... he was quite handsome. You sigh, filling up his IV with food, the other one with morphine. You couldn't help it... you reached over, running your fingers through his hair. You couldn't help but to feel bad for him after reading his portfolio. He was a little older than you, chronically ill, and had no real family. You just hoped he would wake up soon. 

A few hours later, after eating some lunch and taking care of some patients, you walk back into his room. He was still asleep... but he was- moving? He was waking up! You rush over to the side of his bed, completely ready to calm him if he started to panic. 

"Hello." you smile once he opened his eyes. 
"Hi... where-" he started, before you cut him off. 
"Oh- you're in the hospital." you smile. Honestly, his voice kind of shocked and scared you. You weren't expecting it to be that deep.
The man looked around, as if he was trying to remember how he got here. 
"Oh... the car..." he sighed. "They came around the corner... and swerved into me. They were either in a hurry... or drunk. But they had a kid in the backseat. They were just a kid." he said, sniffling and blinking back tears. 
"Hey... hey, it's alright." you reassure, resting a hand on his back gently. He had broken ribs, a broken nose and arm, and some really deep bruises, probably so deep that they hit the bone. 

"I um... I never got your name. It wasn't in the portfolio." you say softly.
"I kinda hate my real name... so I go by Corpse. It's weird, I know." he said. 
You chuckle a little. "Well, that is pretty different. I like it." you smile, looking up into his eyes. 
Corpse gave a laugh, looking back at you. 

For the moment you two were looking at each other... there seemed to be a comfortable silence. A comfortable feeling, before Corpse spoke up.

"You know... you're awfully pretty." He said, flashing a charismatic smile. 
You look down, blushing a bit. "Well... you're pretty handsome, as well." you flirt back, shocked at your own boldness. "Even with the cuts and bruises."

Corpse was the one blushing now, laughing a little. "Well... if that's the case... then could I take you out for dinner once I get out of here?" he asked, seeming nervous. He was definitely more awkward and sweet behind the intimidating looks and voice. 
You blush, nodding your head but not able to get words out. 
"Y-yeah, sure!" you laugh, smiling. "I'd like that." 

Corpse flashed another smile at you. "Well alright then... nurse- Y/N-" he said, reading your name tag. 

"Until then." you joked, getting up and heading out of the room. You head to one of your other patients' rooms, able to see Corpse's smile without even looking back. 

Corpse Husband x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now