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yet another pregnancy au smh my head


[Your POV]

I sat on the couch, binging my favorite show as I waited for my husband to get home from work. I had a small cramping in my lower abdomen all day, but I'd been ignoring it. I figured it was nothing. I was only 32 weeks pregnant, so I didn't think much about it.

I shoved a handful of chips into my mouth, before realizing I had to pee. Again. 

I sighed, standing up and going into the bathroom. 

Once I stood up from the toilet, I realized that the cramping had started again, only much worse this time. As I looked down at my legs, I felt a warm trickle down my thigh. My heart dropped, and the cramping stopped for a moment. 

"Oh shit.."

I stood there for about two minutes, trying to convince myself it was okay to walk to the living room to grab my phone. I didn't know what was going on, but I needed to call someone. Clearly my water had just broke, but I was confused... it was a bit early for me to go into labor. 

I made it to the living room after about 10 minutes of bearing through pain to get there.
I quickly dialed my best friends number, not wanting to bother Corpse at work just in case this wasn't what I was thinking.

"Hello?" they said, picking up the phone.
"Hey. I think my water just broke."
"Holy shit, really?! Are you okay? Is Corpse there?" they asked.
"I'm in a bit of pain, and no he's not here. I dunno what to do, and I'm in too much pain to drive. Can you come take me to the hospital?" I asked.
"I'm on my way. Sit down and don't move unless you absolutely have to."
"Hurry-" I winced, the baby kicking and causing yet another cramp. 


"I'll get a wheelchair." my friend said. We had made it to the hospital... but now? I was in so much pain I couldn't think. 
"Does Corpse know I'm here?" I asked as they came running back with a wheelchair. 
"I texted him, he's on his way." 
"Tell him to hurry, I need him..." I said, tears starting to fall down my cheeks. 

"Don't cry, everything's alright. He'll be here, don't worry. I know it hurts but it'll be over soon." 

I took a deep breath as I got rolled into the emergency room. 
"Everything's alright." they reassured. 

"Can I help you- oh... right this way." The lady at the desk said, taking over for my friend and pushing me through double doors. 

Everything past that was a blur, but the next thing I knew, I was in a hospital gown, and lying down on my side, gripping the bar to the bed as every contraction went by. 

"Is she in here?!" I heard a frantic, deep voice say. 
"Oh thank god... hey, babygirl." Corpse said, rushing to my side and stroking my hair. 
"How are you feeling?" he asked breathlessly.
"I've been better." I chuckled, before wincing. 
"How far apart are your contractions?"
"Like two or three minutes." 
"Oh, she's almost here then." He chuckled.

I looked up at him, seeing his curls plastered to his forehead and his face red. 
"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, running a hand through his curls.
"I just... I just... give me a sec-" he said, catching his breath.

"I just rushed over here the moment I heard your water broke, and I was worried I was late, and I was just... I almost got in an accident and I'm nervous." he rushed out.
I chuckled, pulling him down so I could give him a kiss. 
"Get some water, baby. I'm okay, we're gonna be oka- fuck!" I groaned. 

Corpse Husband x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now