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fluff/ relationship talk?


[Your POV]

"Baby? Hey, baby, are you awake?" Corpse asked, assuming I was awake since I had just tossed over. 

"I mean I am now." I joked.
"Oh.. sorry." 
"What's up?"
"Just... nevermind. Go back to sleep." he said, his arm over my waist as he held me.
"No, what is it?"I asked. 
"You need your sleep baby." he replied simply.

I frowned, sighing. 
"What's wrong?" I asked. I could hear it in his voice. Something was on his mind, I just wasn't sure what.

"Nothing's wrong, I was just... I dunno. I was just thinking, I couldn't sleep."
"About what?" I asked curiously.
He sighed. "It's nothing, just go back to sleep, baby."
"What's wrong?" I asked again.
"Nothing. Sorry I woke you up, but I dunno what I was thinking. Just close your eyes."
I wasn't going to go down without a fight. "No, tell me."
He rolled his eyes at me, scoffing jokingly.
"Come on baby, we're already not going to get enough sleep as it is, and I really don't want you feeling tired tomorrow morning. I always feel terrible when I keep you up late and you have to work the next day. I don't want you being a little grumpy pot tomorrow." he teased, kissing me on the forehead.

"Are you sure nothing's wrong?" you asked, still not giving up. You knew him too well to believe that nothing was truly bothering him.
"Nothing's bugging me. I just want to hold you..." he said, pulling me closer.
I sighed. "Fine." 
"Thank you baby."

"Hm..." I said under my breath. I knew something was off but I just didn't want to push it further.
"I know something's up." 
"How can you tell?"
"Just can." 
"I should have never woken you up." he laughed, before finally admitting it.
"Okay, well... something has kinda been playing on my mind a bit, lately. But I just don't want to worry you." he said.

I frowned.
"Like what?" 
"God, I should have never woken you up." he whined.
"It's not the easiest thing to talk about, baby. I've been going back and forth on this in my head all night."
"What makes it so difficult?"
"Well because... because I'm worried that if I tell you, it might make you think differently about me." he shrugged.

I frowned again. 
"And why is that?"
"Just because it's hard to talk about, and it sounds so silly after everything that we've been through together. I know that you have such a big heart, but I'm worried that if I tell you, you're going to think less of me..." he admitted.

My heart broke at that.
"Baby... of course I won't. I love you too much for that." 
"Fine... just, let me hold you for another second." he said, kissing me softly.

He took a breath. 
"Can we just forget that I said anything? Like can we just act like I didn't say anything?" he asked. 
"God, you are so stubborn." he chuckled, groaning under his breath.

"Okay fine, fine. So, look, we have both been working so much lately, and I guess that I've been feeling a bit stressed out over it. And all these old worries that I used to have, these old worries and insecurities, and just... stupid stuff that I've dealt with in the past, I've been thinking about them lately, and I can't sleep. It just sucks." he vented.
"Did... I do something to cause this?" 
"No! No, it's nothing that you've done at all. I guess I've just um... I really don't wanna tell you this." he laughed. "I've just dealt with a lot of insecurities in the past." 

"Seriously?" I asked. He was always so confident. Never the type of person to show if he was insecure or down about something.
"Seriously! Ugh, God, I've had days where it's taken absolutely everything in me just to hold it down and keep it togethter, you know? And to be positive everyday. And then I guess things felt like they were getting better, and I met you. Maybe it was because of you. I guess I was so infactuated and excited that I forgot about all of those bad feelings I used to have. Meeting you just seemed to make it all go away." he continued. 
I smiled at that. "Yeah, I was kind of the same." 
"Jeez, that was just a whirlwind wasn't it?" he chuckled. 
"That hasn't changed, not one bit. But I guess since we haven't had much time together lately, I've just been worrying about stupid stuff, you know?"

I nodded. That was understandable.

"What kind of stuff?" I asked.
"Well, I've... been worried about you leaving. I'm afraid of losing you, baby. I know it's just stupid insecurities and I'm trying to deal with them, I really am. I've been so afraid to tell you because I don't want you to see me as weak..."

My heart sank. He was too perfect for that. 
"What?..." I didn't get to finish my sentence before he began speaking again.
"Because, baby, I just wanna impress you. I want to be strong in your eyes, I want to be everything that you make me feel like I am. Sometimes the way that you look at me makes me feel so proud." he chuckled. "When you smile at me, or when you message me... it just makes me feel like I'm doing really really good. When you latch onto me or when you put your head on my chest and I can just feel you there. It makes me feel like Superman, like I can just do anything. But I want to be honest with you that I've been really struggling with these insecurities. There's not really a reason for it. I guess I was also thinking that your ex lives close by, and you guys had a whole life built together. When I hear about that, I guess I just want to live up to that, you know? I know it's stupid, and I know that you've never given me any reason to think like this. I also didn't want to tell you that I've been going through this because you've done nothing wrong, this is totally my issue." he vented. 

I just let him talk, venting out his emotions however he needed.

"And now I'm way better. Because now you're here with me, and you have totally changed my life. So the idea of you leaving or finding someone better, or more successful or better looking... it's just in the back of my head for some stupid reason. Sorry. Oh my God, I'm just being a big, selfish, greedy blob. Waking you up in the middle of the night to tell you this and I'm just... I'm sorry." he laughed. "Sorry for unloading that all at once. There's no need for you to see me like this..." he kissed me on my nose.

I looked up at him, cupping his cheek in one hand. 
"Hey... there's no need to be sorry. Thank you for sharing that with me. And I know how you feel, but there's no need to be insecure about that. You're mine, and mine only. All I want is you, and all I ever want is you. I promise. Nothing is changing that." 

He took a breath, holding me tighter. 
"Thank you, baby bear. I needed to hear that. You have no idea how comforting it is to know that you're here." he said, kissing me again. "You're here and you put up with all of my flaws, and all those stupid things I say and do sometimes and... I dunno. I just wanna be near you. I just want us to be happy. That's all I want, baby." he said, kissing me another time.
"Once I got ahold of you I just didn't want to let go. Here we are still, today."
"Good, don't let go." I giggled.
"Never. Matter of fact, here, come lay on my chest." he said, pulling me into him.

He took a sigh of relief. "I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest telling you all that." he admitted, before giggling.
"What?" I asked with a smile.
"I can feel your eyelashes moving against my chest, it's tickilish." he laughed.

I giggled, kissing his jawline.

"I'm always here." 
"I know, I know you're here, baby. I love you." 
"I love you." 
"Now go to sleep." 

Corpse Husband x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now