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Kinn wasn't sure if it happened by accident when Porsche was sleeping or if it was intentional but either way he was pleasantly surprised when he woke up with Porsche's arm wrapped around him. He had yearned for this so long and thought he could never feel this again. Porsche seemed to be in a better mood than before as well. He seemed way more relaxed and comfortable. Kinn took him out on the roof to sit in the sun for sometime. While he was happy to see Porsche showing signs of recovery he was equally tense about breaking the news of his mother's death to him. He knew the more he delayed it the uglier it would get. But he was scared to break Porsche completely when he was in a vulnerable state.


"He had gone out. I'll call him in to see you when he gets back".

"How's Khun?"

"Well he's very eager to see you. He was overjoyed when you came back but-

"I'd like to see him too."

"Okay. I'll tell him".



"Can you... Get me the work files?"


"The work files. They must be at Minor Family mansion".

"But... Why?"

"I just want to look over the work I've missed".

"Porsche you don't need to do that. You shouldn't even think of it. There is no need-

"Please. I just need to do something. I need to work. I can't just sit around doing nothing".

"You need time to recover".

"I understand but I just can't sit idle anymore. I don't feel like stepping out either. I need to do some work. It's just paperwork but it will keep me occupied and it might help you with work".

Kinn was totally opposed to the idea and hesitant to go ahead with it but he just couldn't say no to Porsche so he agreed. During evening he gave Porsche a briefing about all the work he had missed when he was gone and handed him over some unfinished files. He himself had not been to work since weeks.

Porsche had noticed the absence of the ring on Kinn's finger. And it was clear to him that the man was doing everything to keep himself together but was on the verge of crumbling each time. He wished he could be strong enough again. He wished everything to go back to normal again even though it seemed impossible. Kinn just sat on the couch going through his medical reports while he did the paperwork.

This was so different compared to their life before the attack. They never discussed work at home and even if they did, they always solved it together. The silence wasn't uncomfortable but unusual. He was the one who had created that silence between them.

After a few hours he was finished with the file and Kinn brought in the dinner.

"Won't you eat?"

"I will. After you're done eating".

"Kinn I can eat by myself."

"I have to give you your medicines and the bandages need to be changed too".

Kinn seemed too changed. It seemed as if he had softened himself.

After eating as always Kinn tucked him to sleep but this time instead of turning his back he threw one of his arms around Kinn and closed his eyes. Kinn was a bit stunned at first but laid down beside him and let Porsche move closer to him. The warmth was back.

"How are you feeling Porsche?"

"Better. Much better".

This time he stopped resisting and held on to Porsche tightly.

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