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The lights in the room were on by now. It was definitely a rotting place that had been locked up for long. What surprised Porsche was that he wasn't restrained in any way. His hands and feet were completely free and his captors were actually trying to heal him by providing medical care which was strange. He couldn't understand their intentions yet. The area was enveloped in a thick chemical scent by now which was lowkey making him wanna vomit. The pain was still strong in his abdominal area and worsened every time he made any minor movement. He could somewhat feel his legs again now which were completely numb a few hours ago. He wasn't sure if the pain was just from the bullet wound or also from hunger. There were 2 CCTV cameras attached on the ceiling of the room which looked like it could fall off any moment. There were speakers present in the corners of the room too which was probably what his captors were going to use to communicate with him without actually being present in the room. He could smell the old, musty smell from the mattress that he was lying on. There was a huge door made out of wood witch a tiny glass panel to see through the other side but he couldn't directly see what was behind it due to his problems in movement. He already was sure that the door must be locked from the other side to prevent him from escaping. He wasn't sure what was more unnerving about the place the fact that there could be people who attacked and captured hi lurking behind the walls or that he was absolutely alone, thrown at that place to die. The first one seemed to be the more sensible option. He wondered how much more longer it was gonna take Kinn to find him or for his wound to heal enough so he could plan an escape. The sudden voice that echoed through the room from the speaker made him flinch in shock before wincing due to the pain. It was like he was being mind read.

"Khun Kinn is looking for you. Don't worry he'll find you soon."

"Are you that much of a coward to hide behind some cameras and speakers".

"It's not cowardice. I just felt that you'd be more comfortable in solitude. You need to heal properly afterall".

"So you're concerned about my healing after you attacked and shot me?"

"Yes. Your wound healing is very necessary for my process of work. We can't stay in this place for long you know. Soon Khun Kinn will hunt this place down in search of you. He's not going to leave any stone unturned for someone he loves so much. Do you remember what place this is?".

He didn't. He didn't remember anything or know anything about this place. It was large but lacked any form of ventilation and was absolutely crumbling from everywhere.

"Hopefully some of your memories will be refreshed over the span of next few days."

"Until... Kinn gets here."

"I'm sure he will. You don't have to stay with me forever but if you'll go back with Khun Kinn or not depends upon you."

He didn't know what that meant but the anticipation of what could happen to him quickly filled him with dread.

"We've decided against restraining your movement around the room but if you try to take any action that might cause a problem in your healing then unfortunately we'll be forced to tie you up. Afterall you are quite popular for that kind of things aren't you? It's like a child has taken over after Gun passed. Pieces of broken glass won't solve your problem. It'll just create scars on something Khun Kinn loves you so much for."

"You did all that just to give me horrible relationship advice?"

"No. I sympathise with your situation. Although you acted really immature."

"Okay is this some forced therapy recruitment camp or something?"

"I just want to talk with you. Sometimes it's easier to say some things to a stranger than saying it infront of your loved ones".

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