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"Turn off the air conditioner".

The driver turned to look at him for a moment before immediately obliging. Kim rolled down the windows to let the evening breeze hit his face. The extremely cold air conditioning and whatever fragnant air freshener was used in the car was making him feel extremely nauseous. Moments ago he had recieved a phone call from his father asking him to immediately go to the compund. Kinn had been attacked at Minor Family mansion and Porsche had gone missing. His family was getting attacked frequently at this point and he was never there. He could sense his father's worry through the call. He wasn't sure what was worse, being there for his family during dangers and not being able to do anything or not being there and only hearing about it much later. He sighed as he braced himself for whatever situation he was going to face. He knew that his father was expecting him to step up in handling this situation since Kinn was injured.

He could feel the tension in the air as he entered the compund. Everything seemed extra quiet but the face of the staff was telling everything. For the first time in years he saw his father look so worried as he went to speak with him.

"What is going on? Why are you here and not at the hospital?".

"We've decided to keep Kinn in the house for treatment. It's getting increasingly risky to step outside nowadays. He needs to stay under tight security until he recovers and we figure out who's behind all this".

"What happened to him? Where is Porsche?".

Before he could get any more answers, his father was called over by one of the guards. He stood there impatient and eventually decided to go and find Kinn's new bodyguard to ask about everything.

He found the man standing outside Kinn's bedroom with a serious expression and slight frown on his face. The entire place was swarming with guards and medical professionals who kept going in and out of the room.

"You're Nick?".

"Yes Khun Kim".

"So you do know me... What's going on? What happened back at Minor Family mansion?".

"I do sir. I wasn't present when the attack took place. I was alerted-"

"Why weren't you!? It's literally your job as a bodyguard to know where your boss is and to make sure of his safety. What the hell were you doing then?".

"I couldn't follow him sir. Khun Kinn had dismissed everyone before he went outside. He seemed to be in s hurry".

"Where was he going?".

"He seemed to be following Khun Porsche."

"To where!?".

"I don't-"

He sighed. There was no point in questioning this man any further.

"How's Kinn doing?".

"The doctors are still treating him. He hasn't regained consciousness yet. There wasn't much blood loss."

"Anything on Porsche?".

"He disappeared after the attack took place. That part of the garden didn't have CCTV coverage. We found his phone and wallet in the place. His brother is being interrogated now."

Hearing that made Kim's stomach drop. He couldn't imagine what Porchay must be going through right now.

"Interrogated for what!? Who the hell approved it?".

"He claimed to have seen the attack take place. Not on Khun Kinn but on his brother. He was the one who alerted the security and we found him holding Khun Kinn."

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