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The room was way too silent than usual. Nobody was expecting Porsche in that meeting. There were people who were in past deals with Minor Family present. Kinn seemed determined. His father and Khwan too looked surprised.

"None of us were informed about Khun Porsche's presence here earlier".

"I believe I'm bound to be present in meetings that concern the Minor Family".

"Our deal was with the Main Family. This was never supposed to directly involve anyone from the Minor Family".

The man who said this seemed the oldest guy in the room. His grey hair, calm voice and face full of wrinkles made him look like he was in his nineties.

"I've been dealing with the families since decades. It's clear that the Minor Family is falling apart which directly and indirectly will affect everyone in touch with them."

"You're questioning the capability of Minor Family infront on our face".

"No I'm stating what's right. Closing our eyes and sitting quiet won't change the truth."

"I do believe it was supposed to be kept confidential according to the original deal".

Kinn turned to his father who was calmer compared to everyone else present in the room.

"That wont be right. That wouldn't have been fair at all Papa. You handed over the ring to Porsche. You gave him the responsibility. He's been managing everything for a while now and even you can't deny it that he's been taking everything way smoother for someone who just joined this buisness."

"Are you sure a leader who can't even speak for himself or defend himself can lead the Minor Family?"

Khwan was his calm and unbothered self as always. He somehow always knew how to push the right buttons to break Kinn.

"I believe it's useless to throw words around like this. I understand the hesitation and doubts you all possess as of now. But I'm determined to prove all your doubts wrong".

"Just saying things won't do that. If you really want to prove us wrong by your actions then do that. We all have heard about your habits. I believe that's your private matter but if you always remain fragile like this then it'll eventually affect your work."

"You better stay within your limits when you're in this house. Or I'll make sure you regret your nonsense".

"Kinn calm down".

"Khun Korn is right Kinn. Let him say anything he wants I know what I have to do. I don't have to dig up personal things to put anyone down. I've already said that I will prove everyone wrong with my work".

Khwan smirked at his words.

"Very well then. I'll be rooting for you Khun Porsche".

"I started this deal for a reason. I thought I had your approval Kinn but if you're not sure at this moment then I believe it'll be the best to keep this paused as long as we don't believe we're on the same page".

Kinn looked at his father and then at Porsche. He had managed to convince his father to put a temporary to pause on the project but now it was upto Porsche who could prove his doubts useless and completely scrape the idea.


"We have your doctor's appointment scheduled this afternoon".

"I see. Are you sure you'll do the cooking?"

"It's about time that you eat something I've made".

Pete was trying his best to cook something enough for all three of them. He didn't want Vegas to continue cooking because then he would see that they were running out of ration. The money was tight. He was trying his best to keep his saving for Vegas's medical bills.



"How much more things we have left?"


"We got groceries 2 weeks ago. You serve food to me and Macau first and then sit down to eat. How long have been doing this?"


"Pete... You said you talked to Porsche right? Did he say anything? I'm ready to talk to them".




"I'm proud of you".


"You didn't just stand up for me but for yourself too. You owned that man."

"He isn't affected by anything. No matter how many times I warn him he always tries to-"

"It doesn't bother me. I don't care what anyone says. I know I can prove them wrong as long as I have you by my side".

There was a knock on the door.

"Khun Korn is calling for you Khun Kinn".

"I better go to him. I hope he changes his mind soon".

"Don't worry Kinn."

His father was sitting with Khwan with the chessboard infront of them. They were talking among eachother as well as seemed deeply concentrated on the game.

"You called for me Papa?"

"Yes. Have a seat. Join us for a game".

It was awful to sit beside Khwan.

"Hopefully you're in a better mood now."

Kinn took a deep breath and didn't answer anything.

"I hope I didn't upset Khun Porsche".

"Is there any specific reason why you're still here?"

"As a matter of fact yes".

"Kinn... Some strange activities have been noticed near the Minor Family mansion. I'm afraid it's the same people as years before."

Hearing that felt like having acid poured into ears.

"What? Papa please what are you talking about?"

"The attack that took place on Main Family all those years ago had a lot of people involved not just the Italians."

"Porsche needs to stay alert Kinn."

"Papa how did this happen? Are you really sure?"

"It was expected that people would try to take advantage of Gun dying".

"Negligence can cause a lot of damage Khun Kinn. Even Main Family's security couldn't stop them. Think before you change your opinion about the upcoming deal".

Kinn went to a different corridor than going back to his room. He stood outside the door. It had been years since he went into that room. He couldn't gather the guts to step inside. The room almost always remained locked expect for when the staff needed to clean it. Kinn felt like he was choking on his emotions. He felt like a coward as he walked away. He needed to be there with Porsche. Whether true or not he was extremely worried about those rumours. He had to keep Porsche safe. He had failed to keep his family safe for years. He didn't want to fail again. He couldn't fail again. He decided to have Arm track down all data related to Minor Family. It was the only thing he could do. He didn't want a repetition of what happened years ago.

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