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Kinn wasn't in the bed when Porsche woke up. He had fallen asleep rather quick last night with Kinn's hand over his eyes. He found it hard to believe that he had felt scared of Kinn's love yesterday. He had always craved more and more of that love. His thoughts were interrupted when Kinn stepped in with a towel around his waist and wet hair.

"Kinn... Will you be busy today?"


"Did anything urget come up?"

"Khun Khwan will be here today. He has agreed to sign the deal."

Porsche felt his hands run cold. Kinn was very upset last time. The thought of facing that silent and cold Kinn again was scaring him.

"Then I need to join you".

"You can if you want. It's okay if you want to call in sick."

"No Kinn I'm fine. I'll be in the meeting with you".

Kinn simply nodded and walked out. That man was like a curse. Porsche needed to find out details about him more than ever.

Porsche was taken aback to find Kinn arguing with Korn when he walked into the hall.

"Kinn is everything okay?"

"Porsche you don't need to join the meeting today. Only Papa and I will be there today".

He left the hall while saying that. Kinn was definitely furious over something.

"What even happened?"

"Nothing too serious".

With that Korn was gone too.

Porsche was left standing there confused. He had never seen Kinn argue with his father before. This man clearly meant something more than just an ex colleague and a buisness partner. He used to be Kinn's mother's friend. He definitely had some other connection with the Main Family. He just needed someone trust worthy to ask about everything.

He couldn't concentrate at work that day. Once again Kinn was ignoring his calls and messages. He wondered if everything was fine back at the Main Family manor. The meeting must be long over. For some reason he felt nervous to go and check up on Kinn. What if he wasn't home like last time? Or had locked the door again?. But he needed to be there for Kinn. He couldn't just leave him alone like this to face everything. Not again. He got up to go back to Main Family manor.

"Have you ever worked for any food or restaurant chain before?".


"No. This will be my first time".

Porchay was sitting in the job interview. He could get a job as a waiter or cashier. It seemed completely pointless because his brother was completely financially stable now. He was doing just because he felt like he couldn't sit back and expect Porsche to look after him his entire life. He had already done more than needed for him. And he felt guilty whenever he watched his brother go through all that just to give him a comfortable life. Porsche would never let him take up this job if he knew but he wanted to feel like he wasn't entirely being a burden on his brother. He wanted to have something in his life that he truly earned. Most musical studios and artists only hired experienced musicians so he couldn't try there any longer. It had been quite some time since he last practiced anyway. Something he really loved to do felt like a chore now. He needed to secure this job and gain some experience through it. He had made enough fool of himself already.

Porsche was relieved to find the bedroom door unlocked. He entered to find the lights off. Kinn was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.



Kinn didn't look up at him.

"Kinn are you okay?"

He went to sit beside Kinn.

"Kinn. Talk to me please."

"Nothing's wrong. You don't need to think about it."

"Kinn please. Everything is not fine. I can clearly see that."

He pulled Kinn into a hug.

"It's okay. I'm here. Do you have a headache".

"Yes Porsche but I'm fine. I'm telling you nothing is wrong."

"Okay Kinn. It's fine".

Kinn was clearly stressed out and upset. Porsche couldn't ask him anything right now. He just needed to look after Kinn in the moment. Kinn got up to near the closed curtains.

"Did you think of anything yet Porsche?"

"What? Think about what?"

"About what I.... Wrote to you".

"Kinn... You're stressed right now. We can discuss this later".

"We need to talk about it sooner or later. Putting the conversation down won't work."

"Kinn do you really want to talk about it like this?"

"Porsche I just asked you if you have thought of something. Nothing else".

"I really haven't Kinn. And no we can't talk about it like this."

"Talk about what? I told you what I feel about everything and asked you if you still want to continue with this relationship. Why is it taking you this long to think about it? You've clearly seen the dark and cruel side of all this".

"And I've seen you on the other side. I'm yours before I am to this this buisness. Previously I thought about Chay before taking any descision and now I think about you as well. In all this Kinn never once did I thought of asking you if you wanted to go for someone better. Someone who made you happy. Someone you could actually trust and talk to. It's almost like you're always desperate to make me leave. You don't care how I feel in.... any of this. You're not the only one going through it Kinn. I'm suffering too. I want to be there for you in this but I feel like I'm completely lonely."

"You think I don't care about that? You think I never felt that way? I'm trying to be by your side Porsche but I'm failing! This clearly isn't working out!".

"It wouldn't be like this if you weren't pushing me away Kinn! You still don't trust me! It's like you don't even want me here anymore. If you want me gone then just say it Kinn!"


Porsche flinched hearing Kinn yell at him.

"I don't want to see you! Go away at once! No need to come back if you hate it so much!"

Porsche walked out of the room almost automatically even before he had processed everything. Kinn had asked him to leave. He was so stupid. He had brought this upon himself.


"Grandma called me. She'll be back in 3 days."

Pete placed the cup of tea infront of Vegas.

"I see."

"Vegas... Do you really like drinking all this or do you do it because someone on YouTube told you that you'll get magical powers if you drink this".

"What? No. I'm having this since last 2 years."

"More like you USED to have it 2 years ago then you stopped because in your own words it tasted like "liquid dread" when the chef made it and you were too lazy to make it yourself".

Pete laughed at Macau's words. He found these banters precious where Macau easily knew how to annoy Vegas who just sat there speechless and offended.

"So as I was saying that grandma is coming back... Vegas... Porsche texted me a few days ago. He wanted to know how we were doing and asked if he could meet me".

Vegas felt silent at that.

"I told him to wait for a week. You don't have to go if you don't want to see them right now."

"No you're right... We can't keep living like this. We have to meet Main Family again."

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