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His uncle had had a fallout with his father. Or atleast that's what he had heard. Although Khun's condition was improving he wasn't the same as before at all. He no longer took interest in hearing or looking around anything related to their buisness instead he chose to spend all his time inside the house dressing up, watching things, or spending time with his brothers. 2 days after his breakdown he had told Kinn that he saved his life, he wouldn't be here if Kinn hadn't entered the room at that moment. Kinn didn't really understand what he meant by that but he was just happy that he could help his brother. Khun's condition had made it clear that he had no intentions of ever taking up the family's work after his father. His father was still hopeful because Khun was young and could change his mind but his mother was adamant to protect her son from further harm. Apparently there was some yelling and tension between his father and his uncle when discussing the future of both the families and who would take up the work. His uncle and his family had not visited them for 2 weeks.

In the morning his mother had asked him if he would like to go over to his uncle's house. Vegas had been really sick and was just recovering so he could give his cousin some company, he had agreed. His uncle just glared at him when he greeted him with a calm good morning, he looked drunk out of his mind and was still holding a glass of whisky. His aunt gave him a tired smile and left him alone with Vegas in the same room as his uncle to play. Vegas looked quiet tired too, probably from the sickness. They both sat on the floor in silence as he watched Vegas neatly arrange a bunch of toys. He wanted to play war with his set of plastic soldier toys.

"Pass me the tank Kinn".

"But you already have 2 on your side. I need one too for this to be a fair fight."

"I really want that one."

"You have any other toy. Just let me play with it this time".

"Last time Kim took it when he was here. And now-"

He was interrupted by his uncle who had been observing the boys.

"Kinn... How's school going?".

"Everything's good."

"Are your teachers happy with your grades?".

"They do seem happy."

"And what about sports?".

"I'm participating in whatever I can. I've won a few competitions".

His uncle didn't question him further instead he motioned Vegas to come to him. Vegas stood infront of his father looking nervous and confused when he started asking him questions from their school lessons. He was unable to answer any out of fear, Kinn had never seen him so scared before. Then he went on to ask him about what sports he had enrolled himself in for. Vegas had been missing school since few days due to his fever. His uncle didn't say anything anymore and sat there in silence as Vegas stood like a statue.

Suddenly he got up and violently pushed Vegas to the floor with a smack across his face. Kinn couldn't believe what he was seeing. He watched frozen as Vegas broke into silent tears while trying to get up. His aunt ran into the room and picked him up asking what had happened.

"Always excuses... Always begging for things. Don't you have any self respect or dignity!? He just wants to sit around and play all day!".

His aunt carried Vegas out of the room and Kinn stood horrified. He had never expected to see something like that. He immediately left for his house. Somewhere deep down he felt extremely guilty for what had happened to Vegas. He should've just handed over the toy when Vegas had asked for it.

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