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Porsche woke up a little before Kinn. He wanted to make the day a little bit special for Kinn who had been quite busy lately due to work. It was almost as if Kinn was drowning himself in work just to distract himself from the ongoing chaos at home. Porsche washed his face in the sink, staring at himself in the mirror. Kinn was gone when he stepped outside. He was only in for 10 minutes. He wanted to be the first one to wish Kinn that day. He got dressed up and stepped outside the room. He wanted to wish Kinn and get breakfast with him before they both got started with the meeting for the day. Kinn wasn't very happy about the meeting the previous night. The meeting was with one of Khun Korn's ex employees. The man had his own buisness now. He knew it would get hectic after the meeting started. Kinn was in the dining room with his father already getting their breakfast. Porsche was a bit embarrassed. It was always awkward to be the "late one" on the table even though he got up first. Kinn seemed to be lost in conversation with his father about the upcoming meeting. There were flowers on the table. Daisies. Khun Korn must've got them for Kinn. Again he couldn't get the chance to wish Kinn. It was upsetting him. He wanted Kinn to be happy and enjoy the day. Maybe he would wait till dinner. They had planned a date in advance. Lunch was with Tay and Time.

Kinn was going through the papers as the meeting started. Porsche was trying his best to concentrate on the meeting. If only Kinn could get the day off. He deserved it. The man sitting beside Khun Korn was in a grey suit. He looked a bit younger than Korn and was in a deep conversation with him. He must be really experienced and close in the buisness if he was Korn's ex employee. Porsche was newly appointed as Minor Family's head. There were still a lot of expectations and hopes from him as the position was directly handed over to him by Korn. Porsche introduced himself to the man who just nodded. It was strange how he didn't even know the name of the man yet, since nobody told him. Korn and the man were discussing the profits their buisnesses could gain if they worked together as a team. Porsche couldn't understand what was the need of it. The Main Family was already powerful and making more than imaginable profits. And there were far more powerful companies and organisations they could deal with. He wondered why Khun Korn was interested in this man in particular. Kinn on the other hand seemed quite sceptical about this. He had a frown on his face and was questioning a lot. This wasn't directly related to the Minor Family as the deal was with the Main Family but Porsche had to be present there. He could learn a bit from watching how others do the job.

"I'm not sure if Kinn is suitable for that".

Porsche snapped out of his thoughts as He wasn't paying attention for a long time.

"I've handled even more tough deals. This is nothing for me". Kinn protested.

"I'm sure you have but this is way beyond just buisness."

"You're more than aware of how the Main Family works in these things I don't think you should have any more doubts about-

"Like I already said Khun Kinn this is well beyond just buisness. If Khun Korn can make the mistake then it's more than likely to be repeated again. It happened with your mother. I can't take that risk with my family".

Porsche was caught off guard. It was highly unlikely for someone to talk like this with Kinn. He couldn't understand anything. He didn't expect Kinn's mother to be brought up like this. He watched as Kinn got extremely quite as Khun Korn tried to wrap things up as soon as possible. Kinn got up and left. Porsche tried to follow but soon Kinn stepped out of the house and was gone. He tried calling him but Kinn declined his call almost immediately. Porsche felt extremely anxious. He went to sit with Tankhun. Obviously he wasn't gonna get any comforting words but hopefully he'll get distracted.

After waiting for 2 hours he finally called Tay.

"Kinn called me around half an hour ago. He said he had to cancel the plans because some emergency came up. He didn't tell me where he was. Is everything alright Porsche? What happened?"

"Yeah.... All good."

Porsche cut the call before Tay could hear him cry. He had to quickly wipe his tears and walk out of Tankhun's room before anyone noticed him like that. Kinn came back at dinner time. He went straight into the room and locked the door. Porsche tried knocking. He received no answer. Maybe Kinn was asleep. He sat outside for sometime. Then he decided to go back to the Minor Family manor. Kinn was clearly not willing to have any conversation. He didn't blame him for that. Whatever happened during the meeting was pretty strange.

It was a foreign feeling to sleep at Minor Family manor. He still wasn't used to it. He barely ever used to spend a night there. He had changed a few interiors of the house but it was still pretty grim. It was almost as if he could smell the blood and hear the gunshots. The room seemed to get larger every moment. He was all alone. He hadn't spoken to Chay all day either. He had failed. Again.

Kinn was still quite drowsy when he woke up the next day but a bit more calm. Porsche wasn't there by his side. Maybe he was already up. It hit him that Porsche probably didn't come in at all when he realised that he had locked his room's door the day before. He went to Porchay first, then to Tankhun.

"He was here yesterday. Looking for you. Probably got sad because you made him wait so long. He thought he was being sleek but I did see his face. He was sad".

"Do you know where he went? He's not picking up the call".

"Good. Taste your own medicine. What are you 5? He's probably at the Minor Family manor. Now let me watch my movie in peace! This is the plot twist moment!".

Kinn had to talk with Porsche. He knew he was being distant since past few days.

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