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Porsche sat outside a closed shop on the streets. A faint streetlight was dimly lighting the area which was deserted. He couldn't go anywhere. Minor family mansion was out of question and if we went to his old home then he was sure he'd have someone visit him. Whether it be Kinn or Porchay. He didn't expect Kinn to come looking for him. Not anymore. He had lost him forever. His love had lead him nowhere. He was completely lonely now with nothing in his hands. He was a pathetic fool who had ruined his own life. He wondered how he would break the news to Chay. The thought of going back to the Main Family mansion felt like a stab to his gut. He was no longer needed there. That luxurious building felt like a mockery now. In the heat of the moment he had forgotten to take his wallet and phone with him. He didn't have the heart to go back to the bar or his friends. What would he tell them anyway when he didn't have the courage to talk to his own brother. He felt like an useless piece of junk that was disposed. His mother must be alone at Minor Family mansion. He didn't matter to her anyway. She didn't recognise who he was. If only Gun would've found him that day. He would never have had to go through all this. He hoped that Pete was having a good life. Pete and Vegas completed eachother. Things seemed rough between them in the start but it's like they truly belonged to eachother. He thought that for him and Kinn too. Now he was all alone sitting pathetically on some random street. After all these years he felt that he had a family of his own. He had found a new home. The person he loved. The day he went to the graveyard with Kinn he had felt like they both had exchanged vows to stay together and love eachother eternally. He longed for Kinn. He loved him so much. Before he used to be uncertain about every passing minute but after meeting Kinn he felt like he could envision his their entire lives together. He had wanted to stay with Kinn forever.... He had wanted to give him his father's ring. He had wanted to marry Kinn. He laughed at himself at that thought letting the tears fall from his eyes. How could he be so stupid.


"Do you just plan to say anything or just sit there forever with a cringed out expression?".

Tankhun couldn't hide the annoyance in his voice as he looked at Kinn who looked like he had seen a ghost.

"I asked you something Kinn! Did someone drop ketchup on your brand new shirt or you decided to drink milk and soda together?"

"Porsche and I had a fight.... It was my fault. All my fault."

"Each time I talk with anyone of you two after your fights you always say that. I just don't understand why you don't apologise if you know it's your fault!"

"I don't know how to.... He left the house. I called to ask for him but he wasn't in Minor Family mansion or at his old house. His phone and wallet is here. I've lost him."

"Don't say that. I've seen you both. You understand eachother better than you understand yourselves. You've both taken bullets for eachother. Stop being melodramatic and waste time. Just go and search for him".


"Will you go to see Porsche?"

Vegas broke the silence in the room. He was thinking about this for a long time.

"Should I go? I trust Porsche."

"I'm sure he trusts you too. He's a good friend. He cared about you."

Pete smiled at him clutching his hand.

"I'll go with you".

"Vegas... Really? Are you sure about this?".

"I don't trust Main Family but I trust you. I can't leave your side in this. We're in this together okay?"

Pete pulled him in for a kiss. He was no longer alone. He belonged. He had a family by his side in everything and he couldn't be grateful enough for it.

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