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Porsche sat by his mother's bed as the nurse went on to describe him what happened in detail. A few weeks ago he was elated because she had communicate with him but now her condition was back to same or even worse. She has completely stopped painting and she refused to eat more than few morsels of food. According to the nurse she was pacing around her room instead of sitting quietly like she usually does until she got too still, went pale and collapsed. Porsche had his hand placed on his mother's forehead as he sat quietly holding her hand. Kinn had insisted to drive him there and he refused to leave until he made sure that everything was okay. Porsche had priotised other before himself his entire life. He was easily worried over the smallest things concerning his family. Leaving him alone while his mother was in this condition wasn't a bright choice.

"I should've noticed the signs. This was the point when someone needed to stay with her at all times".

"You did the best you could. You can't control her health. Besides she's fine now Porsche."

"This could've been prevented."

Kinn wrapped his hands the man's shoulders and he bent in to place a kiss on the top of his head. .

"I wasn't even there when this happened. She could've been badly injured. I can't imagine if Porchay would've been here all alone."

"You're here now. There are nurses present at all times. These things happen. You know that she has been improving a lot ever since you came back. Even though she was kept under medication since years, she has never shown so much improvement until now."

Nothing he said could manage to erase the hurt and guilt Porsche felt in seeing his mother in that condition. She had been as alone as him all these years, with barely any proper memory. He sometimes wondered what went through her mind. Did she ever feel trapped in the house where she could recognise no one and could go nowhere. Half of her life had gone in vain and she didn't even know it.

"Porchay and I will stay with her in turns. I'll be here during the day he will be here after he comes back from work".

"Are you sure? You should probably stay with her at all times. Don't think about work."

"No Kinn. I have to look after all my responsibilities. I can't sidelines others for one. I'll manage."

"You work from here. I don't see why it's going to be hard".

"What about you?"

"Me? What about me? Of course I'll be here everyday. You don't need to worry about me."

"Are you really sure?"

"I am. Your family needs you right now."

No matter how much he multitasked it never seemed to be enough. He couldn't be there with Kinn and his mother at the same time no matter how much he wanted. He hated that he had to choose between both of them. Kinn wasn't doing well no matter how much he tried to hide it. When he was working as Kinn's bodyguard it wasn't that easy to see through his emotions as they had to maintain their professional distance at all times. But now that they were staying together it was easier to see eachother's highs and lows. His mother should've been his first priority now but he couldn't manage to shake off the worry of leaving Kinn alone in that state when he clearly needed support.

"Fine. But you need to promise me somethings! First you'll call me in case of any urgency at work. Second you'll call me without hesitation whenever you need any serious help. Third you'll inform me of every meeting surrounding that deal and I'll be by your side."

"Fine Porsche. But you must promise me something too. You'll not let these thoughts and worries consume you. You need to be there for your mother and that's what you'll do. Don't think too much about work or anything else. I'll inform you if anything really important comes up but you'll stay calm and put your focus for your family for now."

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