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Porsche could hear the conversation happening outside the room. It was faint but clearly audible.

"Sir I don't understand what to do with him anymore. He already looks hideous and weak. Should I just kill him already?"

"No, absolutely not. If I had to finish him off with some torture then I'd have done it in a much easier way. I wouldn't risk having Main Family on my back for this."

"Then should I just keep doing what I'm doing? I wonder how long he'll last like this. He'll be worse than a corpse in next few days."

"Keep him alive. Do whatever else you want but keep him alive and don't try to sleep with him. Atleast not until Kinn raids this place atleast once."

It seemed as if the conversation was just loud enough for him to hear it properly. They wanted him to hear it.

"Sir shouldn't we shift him somewhere if we don't want Kinn to find him? Also let's say Kinn's raid is unsuccessful and he's unable to detect where Porsche is then what? What do we do with him after that?"

"Enough with the questions. Just do what you're paid to do. After Kinn is gone from this place you are free to do whatever you want to do with him but still you don't have the permission to take his life. He must do that himself. Here... This came from Main Family today".

There was a moment of silence until he heard excited laugh from the man.

"Is this for real? Kinn really..."

"Yes. Go and show him".

The sight of the man disgusted him. It made him feel every bruise and cut on his body more intensely. He couldn't see any part of his body due to being tied up but could feel the scars.

"Here. Kinn has sent a gift for you."

The paper that the man held up had Kinn's signature underneath it and on top was a message from Main Family announcing that they are looking for him on charges of betrayal. Whoever found him was asked to get in contact. He was a huge target of not only Main Family but several others trying to get into their good side. He couldn't accept it. He knew that this was definitely something planned by Kinn to find and save him. Kinn was definitely looking for him and was about to raid this place.

The man exited the room and a few minutes later he could hear the conversation continue.

"Didn't Kinn do this before? His ex got his brains blown out".

"If he's playing the same game again he should expect the same result."

"Not very witty I must say".

"He's not stupid. He definitely has something else planned. Let's see how that works for him".

After that the man entered the room again. He stood and observed Porsche's miserable condition as the man laid on the floor feeling his blood dry up on multiple places.

"Kinn is used to sleeping with those preety looking boys and you..."

Porsche gave him a weak mock smile in response. He knew Kinn's love for him wasn't going to get affected by something like wounds on his body. They couldn't use that against him.

"That's the best threat you've got?"

"I've drawn some of my threats all across your body. I hope Kinn doesn't mind those. I hope he doesn't mind the person he fell in love with turing into a completely pathetic and weak doll that looks tarnished."

The man moved a bit closer.

"Even if Kinn doesn't mind you... Will you ever be able to be normal again? Sleeping with a murderer. You've turned one yourself infact."

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