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"Are you okay?"

"Hmm... I just wasn't expecting all that all of a sudden".

"Sorry. I had to let them know that you wanted to resign but they bombarded me with questions. I just couldn't lie or make up an excuse. I want everyone to know that I love you. That I'll do anything to have you in my life and keep you safe. I should've waited and asked you first though..."

"I want that too Kinn. I'm so happy. But maybe it got a little overwhelming to have this conversation out of nowhere. Plus Arm and Pol..."

"I loved that. You've got a great gang to support you".

"To support us."

Porsche planted a soft kiss on his forehead and placed his leg on top of Kinn's rubbing them softly.

"Now I can love you openly. Without any hesitation".

"Depends what "love" you're talking about... I don't think the staff would like a show in broad daylight".

"Why? They've seen Khun Kinn bring line of boys every night for years. And now you'll be kissing your boyfriend".

"Oh I meant much more than just kissing".

"God... You're disgusting".

"And you love it."

"You're right. I do".

Now that they didn't have to hide their relationship anymore the new found freedom felt sweet. They could hold eachother, kiss eachother, hug eachother without hesitation and let world know about their love.

"But Kinn... I'm still worried about something. How will you manage until you've assigned a new bodyguard for yourself. I mean won't it be dangerous if you go everywhere alone. I know the other bodyguards will be there with you but..."

His father had allowed Porsche to stay at the house as Kinn's boyfriend. For Kinn it was a dream come true so was for Porsche but he was still somewhat hesitant to just stay in the house like a trophy without doing any work. He had followed Kinn as his bodyguard for quiet sometime and had seen the dangers that could pop up anywhere unexpectedly.

"Don't worry about it. I'm already looking for someone new. Besides you can still work inside the house. I'm sure Khun will appreciate your company doesn't matter if you're a bodyguard or not. He requires more than 1 person to handle his everyday routine. And when I come home from work you dress up and look pretty for me."

They both laughed and Porsche slapped his arm.

"Jerk. You're the one who dresses up as pretty rich boy for work everyday."

"You need to maintain a tidy appearance for this job. It helps create a charm and intimidate people".

"Oh I'm sure your elaborate skincare routine helps blinding your rivals with your glowing skin".

After that Porsche had refused to kiss him for the next 10 minutes joking that he didn't want to eat any of the skincare products Kinn had used.



He looked up at the door to see his brother standing there with Porchay standing behind him.

"Porchay wanted to see you".

The boy walked into the room looking worried and nervous.

"How are you now Kinn?"

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