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He was moved into an even more clumsier and dirty room with the only source of light through a small window very high up in the wall. Contrary to what the woman had said there was nobody else present in the room with him but he could hear murmurs and voices from out somewhere. There were other people present in the place too but kept somewhere else. He wondered what motive the man had to collect people like this.

"How are you feeling?"

He hadn't noticed when the door had opened and infront of him stood the man. From outer appearance it was impossible to say that a man like him was capable of something like this. He had met the man twice before, first in the meeting and second in the party. He wasn't sure if even Kinn was aware about what this man was claiming. He thought that knowing the identity of his captor would give him some answers but things were getting more and more clumsy every moment. He wasn't sure whom or what to trust anymore.

"Aren't you wondering why I decided to-"

"Cut the nonsense."

"Your anger is towards the wrong person. Of all the people who have wronged you I feel like I've done the least."

The man walked on his old, bony legs and sat on a chair kept at the corner of the room.

"Think about it yourself... Of all things you've suffered, mostly because of others in your life do you really think what I've done to you is the worst?".

"Yeah because what have you done afterall... Attacked the man you claim to be your own grandchild, have your people attack and kidnap me-"

"My grandchild... He doesn't even know I'm his grandfather".

"And you're not lying about that?"

"If you have any doubts then ask Korn... If you see him again. Do you recognise this place? Incase you don't then let me remind you that this is the same hospital you were admitted in as a kid."

Now it made sense. That yellow band on his wrist and that woman...

"That nurse... Who looked after you all those years back. Isn't this like a sweet memory lane?"

"And what exactly do you plan to achieve from this?"

"Nothing. I won't gain anything. The moment Kinn finds out where you are and what I've done to you he'll hunt me down and give me a painful death. Doing this to you won't bring my daughter back to me, won't make her husband regret his stupidity but it might knock some sense into her irresponsible son. Won't you say he's a very strong man? He grew up being surrounded by bloodshed and deceit but you have seen yourself how weak the mention of his past makes him. Honestly it's one of the easiest ways to break a person."

"Is that why you chose this place? To try and use me to hurt Kinn?"

"I have no interest in hurting him. He isn't worth my time to be honest. I'm just doing what I enjoy to do. If he gets hurts in the process then that's on him. Like I was saying before... This place used to a hospital but look at it now. It's basically a hub for drug addicts and homeless people to hide and carry out their activities. It's not hard to search up a place like this so I'm expecting Main Family to show up here soon. Also I really hope you don't mind the noise here... Those people can't really control themselves".

"It's pointless to ask you... But why are you doing this?"

"People have to pay up for their mistakes sooner or later. I'll make the Main Family pay. I apologise in advance for what I'll put you through. You don't deserve this but I must do what I need to."

He left the door open when he left and there was no noise indicating the hallway was completely empty. He was sure that the man had kept enough people to prevent him from escaping but he was allowed to move around the place so he tried his best to step down from the bed on shaky feet. It felt unsual as if he had forgotten how to walk in just a few days. There was still some discomfort due to bodyache but he was relieved to finally being able to walk on his own. He slowly stepped out of the door and into the empty corridor of the hallway. The entire place seemed deserted and strangely very cold. The smell of strong chemicals still remained in the air making him slightly uncomfortable while breathing. He walked ahead looking at the rest of the closed doors in the corridor. At the end of the hallway was a door connecting to the area where he was previously kept. He could hear some faint voices which were perhaps from the people that the man had mentioned. He opened the door and walked past it without any idea on where he was going and reached back into the room where he was kept previously. The man was definitely plotting something severe in order to harm Kinn and Main Family if he was so confident about the risks he was taking and he had to brace himself for what was coming his way. He found tons of pictures scattered across the floor of the room as if the man had totally expected him to go there and see those. The one that caught his eye left his disturbed and horrified. It was Kinn's mother laying dead in a pool of her own blood. He picked up the photograph and read the date written underneath it. Perhaps the day she died. He had his doubts on how she died but seeing her murdered like this left him feeling dreadfully horrified. No wonder it was something nobody in the family wanted to talk about. He had seen lots of pictures of her before all lively, happy and smiling and seeing this now sent chills down his spine.

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