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5 weeks after the shootout he had fallen sick. But it didn't stop the heavy workload. Waking up, getting ready, mentally preparing what he had to do the entire day it all felt more and more tougher. Despite his health it was absolutely out of question to take time off work given the circumstances of the moment. Porsche used to message him multiple times a day asking him if he ate, took his medicines, was considering returning home early etc. He couldn't always answer the messages on time. By the time he got home he had no energy left to eat anything or even change out of his clothes. But that only meant Porsche waking up him up from his sleep very late at night to convince him to eat something followed by his medicines. As much as he hated it he knew Porsche was doing this for the betterment of his health. He had spent years with no one to look after him like that. After a certain age nobody really bothered to look after adults his age but his mother had been never hesitant to be there for her kids with their smallest troubles even after they were more than mature enough to handle it by themselves. Perhaps it was due to some regrets that she couldn't let out of her heart regarding the tough childhood all her children had to endure. Every person he ever met had told him that he must be over the moon due to all of the luxuries and wealth his family was filled with and how they could do anything to have a life like that. He understood where they were coming from. He had a lifestyle that was just a wild dream for many but it was mostly just show off and lies that worked as plaster to hide the hollow conditions of his family's real bond. After his mother had died he slowly learnt to see things as temporary whether it be material or emotional. He had hundreds of people working for him who would die for him, take care of all his needs. But he never realised how much he had missed the touch of true love and affection until Porsche came into his life who had a naturally caring and gentle side to him. He absolutely provided no mercy when it came to answering back to anything Kinn said with something sassy, make him lose his mind when they made love or just make him smile like he hadn't done in years. But when it came to taking care of him he strangely transformed and was much more calmer and sweeter. Perhaps he had developed this quality through taking care of Porchay over the years.

"Kinn this is the last bite-"

"I'm not a baby! I can't taste anything. And I'm not hungry."

"Both your statements contradict eachother. You need to take your medicines after this so you need to finish your dinner fast".

"Look at you insulting your sick-"

"Shhh don't waste your energy in arguing. You're already very tired and don't you want to sleep as soon as possible?"

"I can't do that either! I'm unable to fall asleep since last 2 days".

"Okay... I'll try helping you tonight. But finish your food first".

Porsche had rubbed his back and shoulders while wrapping him in a blanket. He went on to talk about the most random things as he tried to distract Kinn and held him till he fell asleep. He too had spent a long day at work but he still found the energy and patience to help Kinn through his illness. He apologized the next day for snapping at Porsche who in return just laughed and said it was nothing to apologise for.

Porsche was always more than ready to provide care but was hesitant to receive it. He was just not used to it anymore so whenever Kinn did something bare minimum for him, he was overwhelmed with gratitude. Whenever Kinn told him that he was receiving more credit than he deserved for the things he did for him Porsche just brushed it off by saying that Kinn makes him happy and that's all that mattered to him.

Porsche had always cared for him... From the starting. He shielded him from the bullet, made the effort to come back and talk with Kinn after they slept together and was even ready to have his hand cut off. He paid people to die for him. And sometimes that amount of money didn't matter when his staff betrayed him. But Porsche was selfless whenever he loved Kinn. He did all that out of pure love.

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