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The man who lend him the phone had immediately sped away after he made the call. Most people hadn't even bothered to stop their trucks as they most probably assumed that he was some psycho who wanted to rob them or something. He couldn't contact Kinn directly and he cursed himself at the moment. But he had remembered the common emergency number used by Main Family that every bodyguard had to memorise so he called on that number instead. The man who picked up didn't believe him at first but agreed to pass on his message. He could only wait there and hope for someone to show up.

His prayers were answered nearly 3 hours later when Main Family guards showed up to the place. He didn't care how they practically dragged him into the car and kept him on gunpoint the entire time, he was just so overwhelmingly relieved that he could go back to a familiar place. He actually got some time to close his eyes inside the car. It had been very long since he had a feeling of safety even though he knew it wasn't gonna last very long. He woke up after they reached Main Family compound. The guards immediately dragged him out of the car and into the house but instead of taking him Kinn he was immediately locked up in one of the cells. At first he understood why they were doing this since he had seen the announcement declaring him as a traitor but fear slowly crept in as he had heard and seen several times how Main Family dealt with people who betrayed them. If Kinn shot Tawan whom he had loved for so long then what could he do to him. Kinn just followed what his father said without thinking rationally himself. Then the feeling of shame took over him. He felt disgusting to be looked at. He was sure he would be shown absolutely no mercy. He was so scared but still was desperate to see Kinn. It had been very long.


He looked up to see one of the guards standing inside the cell.

"Where's Kinn?"

"You need to answer some questions first. The accusations against you aren't something to be taken lightly."

"Please just let me talk to Kinn once. I just need to talk to him once then I'll do anything you want me to."

"You want to bring more trouble for yourself?"

"Please try to understand... Atleast tell me how Porchay is".

"You will know once you're done answering our questions. Don't make me force you."


Khun Korn. Even though they weren't on that much of a good note with eachother, Porsche was desperate to have someone he knew around him.

"Please... Please I need to see my brother. I need to see Kinn".

"I'm sorry. But you can't. This is just for safety."

"You can keep all the guards around me. Please just once... I'll answer all the questions".

"Fine Porsche."

"Who was the guy who attacked Khun Kinn that day?"

"I don't know. He worked for the old guy who came for the meeting that day."

"What old guy? Be specific."

"I don't remember the name. But he claimed to be Kinn's grandfather. He was furious about his daughter's death and blamed it on Kinn."

"How much did you tell him?"

"Tell him what?"

"How much information about Main Family did you give him."

"I didn't give them any information. They didn't ask me anything like that".

"If they didn't want any information from you then why did they take you in the first place? Also are you telling me these torture marks are for nothing? They could've easily killed you if that was what they wanted but they let you live so they must have had some other motive".

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