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Kinn felt an air of uneasiness as he walked through the halls of the Minor Family manor. He had been here several times before but now there seemed to be an eerie silence everywhere in place of the usual chattering and noise. The absence of Vegas and Gun was uncomfortable. He had been here only a few times after Porsche became the head of the Minor Family. He could feel the uncomfortable looks of the staff in the house. He finally reached near Porsche's room which was on the upper floor. The men guarding Porsche's room moved away from his way with frowns on their face. Kinn pushed the bedroom's door open and stepped inside. Porsche wasn't sleeping like Kinn had expected. He was sitting on the bed reading some files.

"Why didn't you stay back at the home last night?"

"I just... Had some work to get done with".

"Am I disturbing?"

Porsche was shocked by Kinn's question. He couldn't understand what he was doing wrong to made Kinn feel this way. Judging by Porsche's hurt expression Kinn softened.

"I'm sorry.... I didn't mean that. It's just... I haven't been feeling really well everything is just going so fast and I've barely got any time to adjust to all this. I understand you're going through the same. I shouldn't have behaved the way I did. I'm just trying to behave as if everything's fine to make everything seem normal it's-

"Kinn... You don't have to say all that. I know."

Porsche got up to hug Kinn.

"I'm sorry Kinn... I really wanted to make yesterday the perfect day for you. I'm so sorry".

"It's not your fault at all. Let's get back home. Chay and Khun have been really worried about you".

Porsche just spent the car ride glancing at Kinn now and then. Holding his hand brought him a soothing internal peace. He felt lost the last few days. Just Kinn's presence made him feel incredibly safe. The last time he felt like he truly saw Kinn happy was when they were lost in the forest and when Kinn finally got to announce that they were together. There was a smile on Kinn's face that was missing since then. While running away with Vegas Porsche really hadn't thought of how much he must've hurt Kinn in the process. He never apologised for it.

Kinn was looking the other way. Porsche could do anything to see him smile that way again. Chay was at school when they got back. Porsche had a quick chat with Tankhun and they were back inside Kinn's room.

"Kinn... Who was the man we had for meeting yesterday?"

Porsche knew that the question was going to make Kinn uncomfortable. But sooner or later they needed to have this conversation.

"Khwan.... Used to work for Papa. He left to start his own company after working with Main Family for decades. All these years we've tried our best to keep a close and good contact with him because he knows a lot about Main Family and it's secrets."

"That's it?... That's the only reason?".

"He.... Used to be a friend of mama."

Kinn got up and went inside the bathroom, clearly to avoid having the conversation any longer. Porsche had to remain quiet for the moment. He didn't want to push Kinn any further. This was clearly something very sensitive for him. But he had to know about it.

That evening he decided to sit and talk with Chay.

"Did you hear back anything about the next round of exams after the interview?"

Chay looked visibly uncomfortable after that question.

"I haven't heard back from them since. I don't think I made it."

Porsche squeezed his hand.

"It's okay. I know you did your best. Don't just lose hope yet. You don't need a specific University to validate your talent. You'll make it for sure."

Chay smiled weakly at him.

"I was thinking... I could try doing internship somewhere".

"For music? Are you sure? You shouldn't lose hope just from this. You've got a lot of talent and time with you".

"No it's not because of that. I just wanted to try out something in the meantime maybe I'll get to learn some more".

Porsche smiled at his brother. It was amusing to see Chay talk like a grown up.

"Okay I understand. I trust you and I'm always here for you. But! You need to keep me updated on everything. Okay?"

"Of course".

Porsche was truly proud on Chay.

At night he tried holding Kinn close. Kinn was stressed since long. No matter how much he tried to hide it he definitely needed some support. Porsche was rubbing his back and massaging his hand.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. What about you?"

"I'm okay. Are you sure you're okay Kinn? You've been.... Quiet".


"No Kinn I was just a little worried."

He pulled Kinn closer and kissed him soft while gently running his fingers through his hair and caressing his cheek.

"It's okay Kinn. I'm here. I love you".

He noticed a strange expression on Kinn's face. Kinn didn't kiss him back. He just turned over to face the other side and slept in silence.

"Kinn... Did I do anything wrong?".

"No". Kinn answered his back still facing Porsche. He sounded really troubled.

"Kinn do you want to talk about this? Maybe tomorrow if not now?".

"I don't think I'm ready to talk yet Porsche. Please give me sometime. We will talk I promise. I just don't feel ready for it yet".

"I'm really sorry Kinn."

"What for? You've done nothing wrong. I already told you."

"Then why are you upset with me?"

"I'm not. Please Porsche this is not how I want this conversation to go. I want to talk it out properly." Kinn's voice was shaking. 

"Atleast.... Why won't you look at me?"

Kinn didn't answer him anymore. He got out and left the room.

"Kinn please... You can't keep leaving like this. It's okay if you don't want to talk about it. I won't ask again. Please just don't go."

"I'm not going anywhere Porsche. I'll be at my office". With that Kinn was gone.

Vegas was discharged from the hospital 2 weeks ago. They were staying together at Pete's grandmother's home for a temporary period of time. Pete's grandmother was out of town for some distant relative's wedding and Pete had taken permission from her to stay over for a few days with Vegas and Macau. Taking help from Main Family was out of question at the moment. Pete did everything to make sure Vegas was busy the entire day. Recently he had discovered Vegas's liking for chess. He had asked Vegas to teach him how to play which meant Macau was forced to join their sessions as well, all against his will. It worked better than sleeping pills. Within 2 minutes of starting Macau would start to get drowsy, much to the annoyance of Vegas.

That day they were having one such sessions of theirs. Vegas had a super serious expression on his face, Pete was paying all his attention to genuinely make Vegas happy and Macau was looking for an excuse to step out of the room.

"The soldier can do a lot in this situation you just have to observe where you- Vegas was interrupted as Macau quickly messed up the board.

"I can't take this anymore! There you go! Proper war!"

Vegas was immensely offended which made Pete laugh.

"It's okay Vegas he's just a child".

He was so grateful to get moments like these. It was like he had built a small world for himself with a tiny family. Suddenly he recieved a text message. It was Porsche.

Text: Can we see eachother tomorrow?

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