Chapter 60

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Warning - sexual content

Quin watched as Xander's face rippled with several expressions, but he didn't say a word. Eventually Quin placed a hand on Xander's arm, giving him a gentle shake.

"I will talk to Ryan, explain my position to him. Once he understands then we can contact the studio, let them know when I will be back to record."

Quin smiled and nodded reassuringly at Xander, whose face still held a great deal of concern and doubt.

"I promise, we will work something out that's good for everyone, I'm not quitting the band and I'm not abandoning you or the others. You're my family, you were there first. You aren't being replaced.."

Xander gulped, his mind sort of jolting at those words.

He had thought that he was simply concerned about the band, he hadn't allowed himself to acknowledge the fact that he was afraid of being forgotten or replaced by Quin's new pack.

Xander nodded at Quin, letting his words sink into himself. He wasn't being replaced or left behind, and that was a big relief.

Quin and Xander slowly worked their way back to the house, talking about the general daily routines of the village. By the time they had reached the house, Xander had somehow volunteered for wood duty... He wasn't sure how that had happened, but he figured if he was going to be here for a few days he should at least contribute.

Quin left a confused Xander at the woodpile, Dutch happily taking him to start his new task for the day. This freed Quin up to talk to Ryan, it was best to get it done now whilst they still had a chance to contact their manager before the phone lines went down.

Quin headed into the house, Ryan's scent leading him towards his office. Quin was about to head in when he heard voices from inside, Ryan and Duke were talking, and when Quin heard his name he froze to the spot.

"Duke it was... I mean I have never felt anything so intense in my life."

Quin heard Duke chuckle, the sound of a clap and the creek of wood.

"I'm happy for you man, you deserve it. You spend so much time looking after everyone else, I'm relieved you have someone to look after you now."

Ryan grunted a chuckle, shaking his head. It wasn't like he was denying it or anything, but the idea of being looked after was almost comical, and yet oddly comforting.

He truly wasn't alone anymore, Quin was part of his soul now and that was indeed a comfort he now couldn't comprehend living without.

The gentle scent of pine wafted into the room through the gap under the office door, and Ryan couldn't help the grin that spread across his face. Quin was close, and all he wanted was to have him in his arms again.

"Are you going to be ok to take care of this supply run today?"

Ryan asked Duke, who nodded and took the list from Ryan with a smile.

"Not a problem boss, you go spend time with your Lunar. Don't worry I remember what it was like to be newly bonded, the first heat raging through you... and the two of you have a lot of catching up to do I'm sure."

Duke said with a wink, Ryan slightly shuddering at the memory of Duke and his sister Cathy after their bond night.

He had walked around the village on high alert for a week after they bonded, having accidentally discovered them "bonding" in the wood pile, and then over every flat surface available.

Ryan shook the visuals from his mind, Duke laughing with a knowing look as he clapped Ryan on the back again before heading for the door.

He was about to open it when Quin suddenly entered, a slightly flushed look on his face as he kept his eyes to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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