Chapter 56

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Slowly the picture flashes died down and the room quietened as the cameras began to record, various microphones sitting like outstretched claws in front of Quin as he swallowed his saliva and sat stoically in his chair.

Dimitri addressed the gathered reporters, addressing a significant amount of smaller issues to lessen the blow on Quin.

Quin was grateful of the help, and when it finally came for the reporters to ask questions, Quin felt a little less sick to his stomach.

He could do this, he had to..

Dimitri pointed to one of the many reporters clamouring to ask a question, Quin holding his breath and looking the rather creepy looking guy in the eyes.

"So tell us, Mr Carter... What exactly is your relationship with this young... man?" He said with a leering look, eyeing Niles curiously.

Niles shifted in his seat, briefly looking up before being blinded by more camera flashes.

"Niles is my friend, and an Omega in my pack. I consider him to be like a little brother to me, and would do whatever I needed to in order to protect him, and any other member of Racing River Pack." Quin said carefully, watching the disbelief clear on the reporters face.

"So you are trying to claim that the statements gathered that say that you have been having an elicit relationship with this boy..." They began to say, but were interrupted by Niles, or at least Quin thought it was Niles until his voice came out in a very low growl.

"Look jackass, Lunar already told you. We aren't his "secret love interest" or "young boy toy" he is Alpha Snow's mate! And we aren't a boy, we are 19!"

Quin blinked watching Niles's eyes glow a vibrant blue, Quin smirking at Niles's Wolf who apparently had a whole lot more confidence than Niles, Or was just that pissed off...

A few reporters started laughing as the guy grumbled and sat back down, Quin having to stifle a giggle as Niles snapped back into control and sheepishly muttered an apology.

"Are you happy with the outcome of the trial?"

Asked another reporter, Quin turning to give Niles a kind smile as Ryan cleared his throat.

"We are, yes. The attack on a member of our pack, and the invasion of our territory is not something we take lightly. We are glad to see that justice has been served in this case, and that Trent Green is paying for his crimes."

More hands shot up and another reporter started to speak, Quin having to grab Ryan's hand under the table as his panic started to build.

"You said Racing River is "your pack" Quin, however the certificate of bond dissolution that we have a copy of would seem to indicate that you no longer have a fated mate. Would you care to explain?"

Quin took a deep breath, this had been what he was dreading. Not only was he going to have to talk about this here, even if it was only briefly. He would also have to explain it to the rest of the pack, who though still supporting him looked confused.

"The bond between myself and Mr Langston was not dissolved, we in fact have bonded and I am now Lunar of his pack." Quin said trying to keep his voice from cracking.

"Then what is this certificate in reference to? Were you mated to another Wolf?"

Ryan gave a warning snarl as Quin looked over at Dimitri who gave a stern look, the room suddenly focussing on him. It was a welcome relief to see everyone's eyes leave him and instead look towards Dimitri, Quin felt like he had a moment to finally breathe.

"The certificate in question is in relation to a historic crime committed against my client, Quentin Carter. Because Mr Carter was underage at the time, the details of this incident were sealed under victim protection laws. The one responsible for the leak is currently undergoing charges for this grievous breach in confidentiality, and any news or media outlet know to have published copies of this certificate will be dealt with accordingly."

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