Chapter 47

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Quin bit his lip as they watched another recorded statement from Andersen Green, acting like the doting and devastated Father as he spoke of Quin's "vicious and unprovoked" attack on Trent.

"My son was secretly in a relationship with Niles Henderson, they had to keep it hidden from Mr Carter due to his unhealthy obsession with the young boy, Niles. Mr Carter had threatened my son with a knife on a previous visit, sadly my son was unaware that Mr Carter had returned to the Racing River Pack when he went to see his young mate a second time.."

Ryan turned off the interview and took Quin's phone, putting it in his back pocket. Quin looked like he was about to either break down, or break something.

"What the fuck! What the actual fucking fuck?!" Quin yelled.

"This is bullshit! I do not have an 'unhealthy obsession' with Niles, he's my friend! All they would have to do is ask Niles or anyone else in the pack to know that Trent's been bothering Niles long before I arrived, why is he doing this?!"

Ryan was about to speak when a knock on the interview room door had them both turn to look as a portly older man entered the room, looking tired and rather grumpy.

He was balding, with just a ring of hair around the sides of his head. Short and dumpy, his shirt and suit jacket seemed too tight for him as he unbuttoned the jacket before taking a seat.

He placed a file on the table, scratching his shiny head as he looked over some of its contents. Eventually he closed the file and looked up, eyeing Ryan curiously.

"You his... lawyer?" The man asked curiously.

"No, I'm his mate. Ryan Langston, I'm Alpha of Racing River Pack." Ryan said, Quin squeezing his knee under the table.

"His... mate? Hmm, interesting." The man said as he flipped through the file again.

He mumbled as he flipped page after page before grunting and withdrawing a sheet of paper, placing it on top of the file.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Detective Frank Dobson. I'm trying to ascertain the events leading up to the attack on One Trent Green, the facts seem somewhat muddy so perhaps you could help me clear this up a little?"

Ryan started to open his mouth but Quin dug his fingers into his knee, Valerie's words ringing in his ears.

"I'm sorry, Detective. I have been instructed by my lawyer not to speak to anyone until they arrive, I'm afraid I can't help you until then." Quin said in a flat tone.

The Detective grunted in an annoyed tone as he put the sheet of paper back in the folder before standing up, he walked towards the door before Ryan spoke.

"Does he really need to be in cuffs, can't you take them off?" Ryan asked, trying to keep his voice calm.

"You're lucky he isn't behind bars, Mr Langston. The cuffs stay on..."

Detective Dobson glared at them both before leaving the room and shutting the heavy door, Ryan grumbling under his breath.

"This is so stupid" Ryan said with a huff.

They spent a significant amount of time in that interview room, it's cold painted grey walls and bland carpet offering no distractions whatsoever. It would take Valerie and the lawyer time to arrive, and by the way things were going, Ryan and Quin were going to have to become very well aquatinted with this room overnight.

The hours dragged on, occasionally someone popped their head in to offer them drinks, and as evening rolled by they were given some food. But in the room they stayed, with just 4 chairs and a bland table for company.

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