Chapter 53

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The trial proceedings progressed relatively painlessly, Dutch returned the next day to let Ryan and Quin know that Niles was upset but ok. The Council Elders had been very kind and understanding with him, and even though Niles had struggled to recount what had happened, he had made sure to explain that Trent was in no way his boyfriend and that he had actually been pursuing Niles aggressively for almost a year.

Dutch also informed them that one of the teens had actually recorded the first incident on their phone, showing that Quin was in fact protecting Niles and that Trent was the aggressor.

She assured Quin that despite the press, it all looked like the result would be in his and Niles favour.

On the final day, Trent had given his statement, and from what Dutch had been able to gather, he had been an angry and bitter mess, unable to make any of his Father's telling of events believable.

Ryan had been summoned to talk to the Elders, leaving Quin alone in the hotel room. He could have asked Xander to sit with him, but he wanted to be alone, the idea of having to make small talk seemed simply too exhausting for him.

He knew that after Ryan gave his statement, he would be next, and he would have to go in without Ryan at his side. In a way being alone right now was a sort of dry run for later, he needed to stand on his own and face this with strength.

He found himself pacing the room, the anxiety building despite his best efforts. Frustrated and restless and idea came to Quin, the practicing of the last few days still fresh in his mind.

He had felt more relaxed after changing, and he was still rather impressed with the Wolf form he had made.

Quin stripped off his clothes and sat on the bed, closing his eyes in concentration as he focussed in on the form of his Wolf.

The brief floating feeling that came over him as he shifted was much quicker and he settled into the form almost immediately, stretching out on the bed and happily examining his paws.

Quin rolled around on the sheets, playfully batting the air with his paws. It was oddly freeing being shifted, he however found himself feeling a little jealous that he didn't have an inner voice like werewolves did.

Quin found himself daydreaming about what it must be like, to have someone always there with you... Someone who was a part of you and would always be on your side, someone always there to talk to.

He sighed as he flopped onto his side, looking out of the window and watching a flock of birds fly past.

After another hour of waiting, Quin grew restless. Ryan had been gone for a little over 3 hours now, and Quin was beginning to worry again.

What was taking so long? If things were looking so positive for the trial verdict then Ryan should be back by now, right?

Quin jumped down from the bed to pace again, his mind filling with every catastrophe it could imagine. As he thought he would break down completely, the hotel room door opened and a rather harassed Ryan walked in flanked by both Duke and Dutch.

They all looked rather pissed off until Quin whined, Ryan looking up just in time to catch Quin in his arms as he leaped up at him, licking and nuzzling him happily.

Duke and Dutch both stood looking baffled as a jet black Wolf lavished attention on Ryan, who laughed happily and nuzzled them lovingly.

"Ryan! I was so worried, you were gone for so long... What happened?!" Quin said when Ryan finally popped him down on the sofa.

"I got mobbed by reporters, all asking questions about you. They didn't realize who I was I don't think, just that I was somehow involved in the trial... Duke and Dutch had to help me get through the crowd."

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