Chapter 34

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Warning- sexual content

"Y..yeah I think so.." Quin said quietly.

Duke nodded before going back to cleaning his rifle.

"Don't worry about all that, it happens now and then. They usually get on fine, but from time to time they have disagreements on how best to run the pack. Ryan thinks that if we can help our neighbours without it causing us issues, then we should do it, Kyle thinks we should get something in return. The thing Kyle doesn't seem to get is that by doing things like this we build up favours, and when we need something we can call in those favours for things we really need, instead of building up a pile of stuff we don't need." Duke finished, looking at the list with a sigh.

"See some of these things could be useful, but we don't need them right now. Where as doing this favour is something we can cash in when we really need to, and keeping a positive relationship with our neighbours is always a good thing." Duke added.

Quin nodded, he could see both points, but he agreed with Ryan. Forming lasting relationships was of more value than having a supply of things they didn't need. Sure they could possibly be used for trade but in the long run, better relationships with their neighbours was more beneficial in his mind.

"Anyway, enough of that, I'm sure they will sort it all out. Why don't we plan this hunting trip eh?" Duke said, signaling a few of the other hunters who came over to the table.

They planned the hunt for the weekend, giving Quin time to help Niles with the next catch like he promised.

Quin returned to the house with Duke after finalizing the plans, he even got some practice with a bow in. It had taken him a little time to get back into it, but it was kind of like riding a bike. His aim and stance was a little off at first, but he soon corrected it and was hitting the targets pretty well by the time they called it a night.

He needed more practice, but he was sure he could get his aim better with time.

When they entered the house the air was thick with the musky scent from earlier, Quin's skin prickling again under it's influence.

As they entered the kitchen, most of the usual family members were present, but Kyle, Dawn and Boulder were absent.

Ryan was sat at the head of the table, scribbling in a notepad. Gail was serving food, but she had a grim expression on her face. It must be hard to have your children arguing, Quin thought as he slowly made his way up the table to take a seat next to Ryan.

The musky smell was still there, not as strong but Quin could still sense it. Ryan didn't look up from his notes at first, his forehead resting in his hand as he leant on the table writing quickly.

He sniffed and put down the pen, closing the notepad and pushing it away in frustration. The wonderful scent of pine seemed to pull him from his brooding and he looked over at Quin, who gave a nervous smile.

He felt that possessive need rising in his gut again and reached his hand under the table to grab and squeeze Quin's thigh, leaning in and inhaling Quin's scent before kissing his cheek.

Quin gently rested his knee against Ryan's and sighed. It wasn't that his fear was gone, he was still on edge but he knew he didn't need to fear Ryan. Ryan's dominance wasn't aimed at him, and Quin was able to keep any possible rising anxiety at bay much easier than he ever had before.

They mostly ate in silence, Ryan didn't seem in a talking mood. However he was very keen on touching Quin as much as possible, stroking his thigh under the table for most of the meal.

Once they finished, everyone headed for the family room, but Ryan had other plans.

He grabbed Quin's hand and almost dragged him upstairs, heading for their bedroom and quickly pulled Quin inside.

Can you heal old scars?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora