Chapter 52

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Quin carefully concentrated on his inner essence, surprised at how easily it allowed him to manipulate it. He steadily changed the form, concentrating on how Xander changed into Zeke, on the powerful form of Snow when he tackled the Bear, how Trent had transformed from one shape to the other.

He could do this... A Wolf was smaller than the Bear, so this should be easier, right?

Quin squared his shoulders and knelt down, closing his eyes as he allowed himself to flow into the newly shaped form in his mind.

Ryan and Zeke watched in confusion as the now familiar burst of light formed, only it was smaller than before... When the light stopped they both gasped in shock.

An elegant jet black Wolf sunk to the floor in Quin's place, looking dazed and confused.

Quin grimaced as his essence struggled to settle into the new shape, his mind confused again by the image that looked back blearily at him from the mirror.

He could barely move, his limbs feeling heavy and foreign. He whimpered sadly as he looked at himself, had he done something wrong? He didn't look wrong, well not wrong for a Wolf at least.

Ryan ran over to Quin, a mix of shock and worry on his face as he gently lifted Quin's muzzle, stroking his head carefully.

He was beautiful. Ryan had never seen such a stunning Wolf in his whole life... Snow was beside himself, absolutely captivated by his beautiful mate. How his black fur shon with a glint of golden green in the light, his dazzling eyes shining brightly.

But something was wrong, Quin was in pain and wasn't moving.

Quin felt his essence fighting with it's self, the best thing he could do was try to relax and concentrate on his breathing. The anxiety of getting this wrong was causing his essence to jump about erratically, he needed to calm himself, needed to settle.

Ryan's touch seemed to help bring Quin's mind back from the confusion inside him, especially when Ryan ran his fingers across the mark on Quin's neck. Quin slowly relaxed as he felt his essence sink fully into the new form, and he let out a relieved gasp.

"Ouch..." He mumbled, nuzzling his snout under Ryan's hand.

Ryan let out a relieved sigh and leant down to kiss Quin's fur, stroking his neck and ears.

Zeke wandered over, slowly lowering down to the ground. The two Wolves eyes met and Quin weakly wagged his tail, Zeke giving a small relieved bark.

"How... I... Quin how did you..?" Ryan stuttered, still mesmerized by the beauty of Quin's Wolf.

"D...difficult to... explain..." Quin managed to say, his throat dry and sore.

Ryan swallowed as Quin gingerly stood up, wobbling on his much smaller paws. He had trouble moving about in Bear form, he was so big and bulky that moving was more like lumbering. However the more he eased into his new Wolf, the more he realized that this form was far easier to move in.

Ryan reluctantly let go of Quin as he stretched out his long legs, shaking himself out before examining himself in the mirror.

Quin was somewhat impressed with himself, the shape and form was perfect and oddly felt even more comfortable than the Bear had. He looked back at Ryan and wagged his long flowing tail, a happy feeling of both relief and pride surging through the bond between them.

"Baby you're beautiful..." Ryan said, fighting not to cry.

Snow was scrabbling to take over, wanting desperately to rub against his mate, to bond with him like Ryan had been able to. But Ryan held him back, he wasn't sure Snow would contain his desires right now, after all Ryan was struggling as it was.

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