Chapter 24

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When Quin woke again it was early afternoon the next day, the light breaking through little gaps in the curtains and into the hotel room.

It wasn't a big or fancy room, just a standard double with a small sofa, shower and toilet, and a mini fridge. The decor was quite simple, white walls with a geometric border in black and grey, a grey carpet and square black rug. The bedding was in the same colours, white pillows, grey bedding and a black comforter.

Quin stretched and yawned, sitting up and pulling out his phone. He sent Xander a message to let him know he had arrived safe, before looking at the number of Ryan's landline.

Quin's stomach growled angrily, he hadn't eaten since the night before he left. He finally decided he should eat, so he quickly showered before changing into some blue jeans, a white vest and a thick red flannel shirt. He put on his boots and grabbed his wallet and phone before venturing out of the room in search of food.

He wandered down the long narrow hallway, his fingers trailing along the white and grey walls as he made his way to the elevator at the end of the hall. When he entered the lobby he checked where the dining room was and headed across the large open entrance.

The reception desk faced the large double doors, several seating areas placed either side with magazine racks and an information kiosk.

He found the dining room mostly empty to his relief, and sat down at a table in a far corner, hoping not to attract too much attention.

Thankfully only the waitresses noticed him, they were very polite and took his order. He ate in peace and it wasn't until he finished that the waitresses came over and asked politely for an autograph. He obliged and let them take selfies with him, chatted for a little while explaining he was visiting friends. They talked about the new album enthusiastically, Quin only giving out information that had been approved by the studio. He eventually excused himself and they waved him off as he headed back to his room.

Once inside he breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little overwhelmed by all the sounds and smells. He had been able to discern each waitresses perfume, the smells permeating the air around him. It was rather strong, especially when they leant against him to take pictures. He could still smell it on his shirt and decided to change into his V neck black jumper instead.

He sat on the bed, phone in hand. He knew he had to call Ryan but his anxiety was ramping up, the weight of the impending conversation finally settling in his chest. It was making it hard to breathe, so he got up and paced for a while. That didn't seem to work however, and he found himself nibbling his nails as he looked out of the window.

This was stupid, he hadn't come all this way to pace about in a hotel room, he needed to get a grip of himself, bite the bullet and just make the call.

He walked back to the bed and sat down, grabbing his phone and finding Ryan's number again.

He sighed and rubbed his neck, as his finger hovered over the call button. He just had to hope Ryan would be willing to listen, or this would be a very short trip.

Anxiously he pressed the call button and put the phone to his ear, his heart thumping in his head like a pedal drum.

Quin nervously listened to the ring of the phone, it seemed to go on forever. Had their phone lines gone down, was he not there? As Quin thought the call would cut off it connected, and he held his breath.

"Er.... hello?" Ryan's awkward sounding voice said down the line, causing Quin's heart to leap into his throat.

"R...Ryan.. hi it's Quin, um... are you free? I think we need to talk..."

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