Chapter 23

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When Quin woke up, he found himself still holding onto the parka, the smell of malt and fresh bread had him feeling strangely peaceful. But he found himself scrunching his face in annoyance at an odd buzzing noise he had never heard before.

He slowly got up, dressing in a white vest and grey jeans before he started to try and figure out what this irritating new noise was.

He walked down the stairs, quickly realizing the noise was in the kitchen. He wandered over and stared blankly at the cause with a confused look.
The culprit was his fridge, it buzzed fluently and loudly as he frowned at it.

Was it broken? Did it need repairing or something? He was positive it didn't used to make this much noise, sure fridges weren't known to be the quietest of things, but it sure as hell wasn't this loud before.

And now his face wasn't smashed into Ryan's coat anymore, Quin realized everything smelt really strongly too. He could smell his own shampoo in his hair much stronger than normal, he was even picking up last night's takeaway from inside the fridge.

There were two seemingly out of place scents in the air too, but he couldn't work out where they were coming from, they seemed to have no obvious source.

Quin slowly sat down feeling rather confused, what the hell was going on with him, was he sick?

By the time Xander arrived in the afternoon, Quin had identified every smell in his apartment, every odd sound was now located and in some cases terminated, and he was left somewhat in awe of all these new experiences, whilst simultaneously being pissed off with how intrusive things seemed to be.

As Xander opened the door he was hit with a wave of new smells, one being one of the unidentifiable odours.

Xander smelt... different? Quin had smelt Xander before, his aftershave combined with his well loved biker jacket was familiar to him, but this was different. A mix of dark chocolate and ginger seemed to radiate from him, and even though Quin didn't remember ever smelling it before, he knew instantly that this was Xanders unique scent.

However when the door had opened a wall of other smells had hit him in the face too and he had to cover his nose, car exhaust and garbage combined with cheap air freshener and a variety of other scents that caused Quin to gag slightly.

"Hey little brother, you ok?" Xander said coming to Quins side, steadying him as he swayed a little on his feet.

"Ah... I don't know... Everything smells, everything's so loud... I just spent the whole morning tracking down several bugs that were skittering about obnoxiously loudly under the sink. The fridge is doing my head in, and when you opened the door I'm pretty sure I could smell Saddhir's snack shack from across the street. Xander I'm going nuts!"

Xander paused for a second before bursting into a fit of laughter, Quin put his hands on his hips and tapped his foot. When Xander didn't stop he tooth sucked, Xander slowly regaining his composure and scratched his head.

"This isn't funny Xan, something's wrong with me!" Quin said, genuinely concerned as he spotted a tiny fly flit about outside on the balcony. He shouldn't have been able to see that, even if he was looking right at the damned thing. The more he looked the more he was convinced he could hear the damn thing buzzing, even over the din of the city below.

"You aren't going nuts, and nothing's wrong with you. Your starting to come into your powers remember?" Xander said taking Quin's shoulders and making him look him in the eyes, they were glowing slightly.

"Enhanced senses is quite common, sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste... It's all normal. I know it can be a bit jarring, but you will adapt quickly don't panic." Xander said as he pat Quin gently on the shoulder.

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