Chapter 7

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The tall curly blonde stands in front of Quin, turning the tracking remote about in his fingers. Quin simply looked down at his ankle and waved it about, finally looking up at the man.

"It's a tracker, so if I run away you can locate me" Quin says blankly, before letting out a sigh.

The man in front of him looked Quin in the eyes again, a sort of frustrated feeling hanging in the air.

Quin cautiously examined the man, he was tall, a little shorter than Xander and certainly not the same build, being thinner and more athletic. His dark blonde hair was thick and curly, his skin a soft golden colour. A sharp jawline and cheekbones gave him a very handsome appearance, but it was the guys eyes that Quin couldn't help but be fascinated with, they were two different colours.

One was a brilliantly deep blue, like the ocean. Tiny flecks of lighter blue and silver highlighting the deepness, almost inviting like you could fall into it. The other was a rich chestnut brown colour with little gold flecks, again it was mesmerizing. Like tigers eye gemstones, the gold seemed to flow and sparkle when he shifted his gaze to look down at the cuffs again.

Taking the key in his fingers, the blonde reached forward and instinctually Quin flinched. He hadn't meant to, I mean so far this guy had been pretty chill and he was desperately trying not to make mad, sweeping assumptions about him just because he was an Alpha wolf. But some behaviours run deep, and Quin's instinct took hold in that moment.

The man paused to look at Quin again, a flash of annoyance on his features.

"Look dude, I ain't going to hurt you. I'm just trying to undo this ok?" He snapped, grabbing Quin's wrists so he could take off the cuffs.

The ones joining Quin's wrists came off and Quin shook out the wrist that was now free of metal, the other cuffs however...

"God what a dick, this key doesn't unlock this pair!" The blonde said, looking in the direction of where Barry had disappeared. Quin tooth sucked in annoyance, typical.

The blonde quirked his eyebrow at the sound, a small smile briefly twitching the corner of his lips, before it disappeared again. He let go of Quin's wrists and cleared his throat before offering Quin his hand to shake.

"I'm Ryan Langston, this is Kyle my Beta, and these are Duke and Dutch." Ryan said to Quin, pointing out the people stood next to him. Quin nodded at them and cautiously took Ryan's hand to shake, the warmth radiating from Ryan almost bringing the feeling back to Quins fingers.

"Um... hi, ah which one of you am I here to meet exactly?" Quin said, feeling rather stupid. Barry hadn't told him anything, and Quin really hadn't wanted to ask him, hadn't wanted to breathe in around him let alone beg him for information.

"Wait, you don't know, I mean you can't tell?" Kyle says with a confused look, giving Ryan a questioning look to which he shrugs.

"No, I have no fucking clue ok? I don't know what the fuck is happening!! I was dragged from my studio to be thrown into a holding cell and left all night, to be dragged to the airport and thrown on a plane, to then get dragged off said plane and thrown at you 4. I haven't slept, I haven't eaten, haven't be able to wash or shave or anything, I'm fucking freezing, and now I have to figure out how to make handcuffs and a tag some sort of edgy fashion statement!!" Quin shouted, causing the few people who were still within earshot to look round and start whispering.

Ryan grumbles in his throat, his wolf feeling very pissed off at the lack of respect this git was showing. But Ryan kept his cool, the guy had been through a rough time it seemed, and frankly he'd probably be in a much fouler mood if he had been cuffed to that creep for an entire day.

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