Chapter 48

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When Quin woke in the morning, it was to the comforting scent of Ryan, the warmth of his skin and strong loving pulse of their bond.

It was almost enough to chase away the overwhelming dread that filled Quin's chest, and so he inhaled more of Ryan's scent and remained curled up in Ryan's arms.

He felt safe here, with Ryan. It was so strange to Quin, he had often laughed to himself when thinking about "true love" like it was some magical made up concept, like a fairytale. But as Quin had found out, fairy tales weren't always wrong and apparently true love was sometimes a real thing too.

Quin stubbornly closed his eyes, trying to will himself back to sleep. If he could go back to sleep he wouldn't have to get up, if he didn't get up then he wouldn't have to deal with the shit storm waiting for him.

Sadly however, Ryan began to stir. Quin watched as Ryan's face wrinkled, watched how he started to frown, pushing his face into the pillow before sleepily moving forward towards Quin. His eyes slowly opened and noticing Quin was awake he smiled happily, leaning forward to touch the tip of his nose to Quin's.

Quin chuckled to himself, this was the sappiest shit ever and yet he couldn't help but gush at how adorable Ryan was when he had just woken up. Quin stroked Ryan's temple and teased a few of Ryan's curls apart with his fingers, watching as he closed his eyes again and sighed happily.

"Can we wake up like this every morning..?" Ryan's gruff morning voice said.

Quin felt Ryan's arm wind around his waist and pull him closer, the warmth of Ryan's body radiating out against Quin's skin.

"I'd prefer it if we were in our own bed..." Quin mumbled, still unable to ignore the heavy dread sat inside him.

People would have to go and give statements today to the Elders of the Council, the first of 3 days worth of statements to be taken before the trial would be held. Then he would have to speak to the lawyer about Callow, and try to come up with a statement to the press to stop the intrusion into his past abuse...

Ryan could feel Quin's anxiety, it was sharp and clawing like a frightened animal trying to escape a predator. Ryan placed a hand on Quin's chest and began to concentrate on their bond, the thick glowing connection between them that thrummed happily as he let his essence flow along it and into Quin.

Ryan focussed on the feeling of calmness, of love and safety as he gently pushed his essence into Quin.

Quin let out a gasp as he felt a sudden wave of heat radiating inside his chest, each pulse feeling like a hug or kiss. The feeling was incredible and breathtaking, it was like a bright light had been turned on and all his shadowed thoughts were running away, back into the dark pit and away from Quin's consciousness.

"W...what's.... That's.. ah..." Quin started to ask, but Ryan pressed his lips to Quin's to silence him.

They spent most of the morning in bed, Ryan lavishing Quin with love and affection. Distracting him from the worry that would creep back into Quin's mind whenever it had the chance.

As the room slowly lit up from the sun outside, Quin and Ryan reluctantly sat up in bed.

Quin was rather fascinated with the bond, how their essence seemed to flow like water one way or the other, mixing in the middle in a beautiful ball of light.

In curiosity he followed the flow closing his eyes as he felt his way along, Ryan's essence bathing him in love. Without meaning to Quin followed the flow straight into Ryan, and suddenly froze as he felt the strong presence of Snow.

"Hello beautiful mate.."

Quin heard the voice in his head, could see the glowing form of Snow in front of him...

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