Chapter 3

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That look on the member of staff's face instantly got Quin's guard up as 3 men entered, the first hooking his enforcer badge onto the outside of his suit jacket pocket. Quin's eyes widened as the man approached, a weird sort of smirk on his face.

"Well, well Mr Carter, you're a hard man to nail down." He joked as his companions huffed.

"Do you know why we are here?"

Quin slowly stood, an odd uncomfortable familiarity settling in his chest. Maybe it was his rapidly rising anxiety, or maybe it was something else, but he was sure he had met this man before, he just couldn't remember where.

Quin was quickly followed by Xander who stood slightly in front of him, protectively. He eyed the enforcers who seemed to be circling Quin like a bunch of hungry predators around a wounded animal. He glared at the guy in charge, a small growl bubbling up from his throat.

The enforcers spotted Xander's protective posture and gently tapped at their guns as a warning. Xander held back a snarl from Zeke as Quin took in a large gulp of air behind him.

"Your test came back as a positive match, congratulations!" The man said in a wholly non congratulatory tone, the same smug smirk still on his face.

"We are here to.... escort you to your new pack. As you know it is mandatory to spend a month with your new mate before any separation ceremony can take place, sorry about that by the way. I know from your history you aren't a willing participant, but rules are rules.." He said, again still smug, like he was enjoying the obvious panic on Quin's face.

"Wait.. did you say... p...pack?" Quin finally managed to say as the oddly familiar smug guy attached a handcuff to his own wrist and then to Quin's, Xander now being held onto by Katja.

Quin gave Xander a desperate look, feeling a wave of panic rising in his chest. He hadn't had a panic attack in a long time but he sure as hell remembered this feeling all too well.

"You can't just drag him away like this! He's not a fucking criminal!" Xander said angrily.

"He is a known flight risk. We are taking the necessary precautions." The smug man said, pulling at Quin's arm and taking him away from Xander.

"He will stay in the holding cells tonight, if you can pack up some of his belongings you can see him off at the airport tomorrow at 6am, at gate 4." The creepy guy said.

Zeke snapped through Xanders control with a loud growl, Katja having to push him back with a warning tone.

"Zeke this won't help Quin, you need to stay calm!"

That was the last thing Quin really recalled as he was dragged along and out of the studio by the creepy enforcer guy. The distant echo of his friends angry and worried voices, vanished as they made their way down the black and silver corridors of the studio building.

They arrived at the main exit and Quin was pulled outside through a wall of reporters and T.V crews, all screaming and shouting over each other for a comment.

A thousand flashes of cameras went off all around his face, blinding him to the parking lot out front as he was pushed into a dark SUV and driven away from everything he knew, all sense of control lost in a matter of moments.

One short car journey later, they arrived at an enforcers office, a police station of sorts that usually dealt with non human matters. He was quickly signed in and lead down a long corridor, the light greyish white walls feeling like a lifeless tomb surrounding him.

The next thing he knew he was being pushed into a small room, the cuff removed from his wrist and the door slamming shut behind him.
What the hell was happening to him... had he heard that guy right, he was being sent to a pack?!

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